
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Third phase of in-service training for teachers concludes in South Sikkim

NAMCHI, 02 Feb: The valedictory function of the third phase of In-Service Training on Proficiency Development of Teachers of South District in Mathematics and other topics related to school activities was held here at the District Institute of Education and Training (DIET) Namchi on 01 February.
During the programme the chief guest, Deputy Director HRDD South, AK Das thanked the trainees for participating and getting enriched in professional skills and requested them to hone these skills.
He also highlighted on the moral aspects of education and expressed that teaching methods should also change with the changing times. He cited the importance of primary teachers compared to teachers at the secondary level and added that change in the attitude is necessary in order to focus more on CCE and RTE. Stating that ‘one year failure’ is a negative term he urged the teachers to focus more on the ability of the children.
He also highlighted on the importance of the English language and the practice it needs for which he said that it is not only the duty of the concerned teachers but everyone else. Apart from that he also addressed many other topics related with the teacher, child and education system as a whole.
Principal DIET, Dr. Ranjay Sinha in his address said that effort from both sides i.e. trainee teachers and lecturers are necessary as the feedback from the trainees reflects the impact of the training held. He added that the feedback given by the trainees were good and advised the trainee teachers to introduce lots of activities for the children and further suggested the implementation of whatever they have learnt during the training period in their respective schools.
The last day of the training also included feedback by the trainees. In their feedback they said that they learned new methods of teaching instead of traditional methods along with new methods of teaching in mathematics and how to make it exciting for students. Expressing their eagerness they said that they learned friendly methods of teaching and demanded similar trainings to be organized time and again. The programme concluded with the distribution of certificates to the trainees.

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