
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Nyingma menlom, annual congregation for world peace concludes at Bodhgaya


BODHGAYA, BIHAR, 03 Feb: The 10-day long Nyingma Monlam, annual congregation for world peace, at Bodhgaya in Bihar which started from 24 January concluded here today on 2 February.   The diverse lineages of the Nyingma tradition were hosted by Sikkim this year.
The observance every year by Nyingma followers has been continually supported by the generosity of Tarthang Tulku Rinpoche.   The tenth day which is the concluding day of the prayer was observed as Guru Padmasambhava day and Tsog (Prasad or symbolic meal) was offered with devotion to Guru Padmasambhava which witnessed the conclusion of the annual Monlam.
The monks from different monasteries of Sikkim including  Lachen Gomchen Rinpoche and Lachung Rinpoche have been engaged in organizing the prayers with their respective duties and responsibilities.  The prayers which were held at Mahabodhi Stupa have become an auspicious occasion for the Nyingma followers to pray for world peace and dedicate them to the founders of their tradition viz., Bodhisatva, Guru Padmasambhava and Trisong Deutsen (Kunkhyen Longchenpa) in Bodhgaya.  The prayers were also attended by Dujom Rinpoche from Bhutan and several other eminent Rinpoches from different monasteries.
The Nyingma Monlam Chenmo is held in Bodhgaya every year since 1989 during the first ten days of the twelfth month of the Tibetan calendar as decided by most Gurus of Nyingma tradition. The prayers are participated in by the renowned Rinpoches, tulkus, monks and devotees from different monasteries across India and also participated in from the monasteries across the world like Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Korea, Thailand etc.  

One of the senior monks while speaking to NOW informed that the participation in the Annual Nyingma Monlam Chenmo, the congregation to pray for World Peace at Bodhgaya is extremely important and worthwhile in order to inspire hope and courage in bringing about greater peace, harmony, joy and happiness in the world as well as seeking relief from all unwanted sufferings and to remember and pray for all those parents, families and friends who suffered severely or lost their lives in the tragedy that befell on them and for the benefit of all sentient beings.

It may mentioned here that the Kagyu Menlom is being held from 1st to 8th of March’2012.

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