
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Four teams for Red Fest finals

GANGTOK, 02 Feb: Four teams from the four districts of the state will play it out for the top spot as the best team in the finals of the state level Red Five football tournament which started on 6 January here in the capital.
Four teams have qualified for the finals as district champions who will play against each other on 4 February at Guards Ground, Tatangchen. The top team will receive a cash prize of Rs. 50,000, while the second and third teams will receive Rs.30, 000 and Rs.10, 000 respectively.
It may be informed that the tournament kick started from MG Marg with the participation of over 100 teams from all the four districts. The selections were carried out by the organizers in every district headquarters out of which the best teams from each district qualifying for the finals.
Speaking to NOW! Aketh Targain from Hope Foundation which is one of the organizers of the tournament informs that the finals will be played from 10 am and that other programmes like Hip-Hop dancing and performances by rock bands will be included in the festivities on the scheduled date.
“Through your newspaper we want everyone to know that the finals are open to all. Everyone is welcome to watch the matches and enjoy the performances lined up for the day. The day will be full of excitement and all are invited to share the experience,” says Aketh Targain.
The five a side football tournament has been initiated by Sikkim State AIDS Control Society [SSACS] in association with Boys Club, Bethesda society, SNP+, RUN and Hope Foundation. “Play Safe” is the theme for the tournament which will also see women national players from Sikkim playing an exhibition match during the finals.
It may be recalled that the event is intended at sharing the message of an AIDS free society and highlighting awareness on drug and alcohol addiction to the youth. The tournament is a part of the Red fest which is being implemented in three stages namely, the Positive Intervention in Schools, the Red Ribbon Super band Contest and the Red Five football tournament.

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