
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Faculty allege irregularities in SU recruitment process

GANGTOK, 27 Feb: The recruitment process underway at the Sikkim University, rumblings against which have been around for a while now, came out in the open today with a section of the faculty petitioning the recently formed Executive Council alleging irregularities in the recruitment process and levelling some direct allegations of nepotism and abuse of power by the Vice Chancellor. Six Assistant Professors of SU have approached the Executive Council with their allegations and released copies of their petition, along with documents in support of their argument, to the Press today. The VC could not be contacted for comment till the time of going to print.
The protesting faculty members, all six of whom are among the twenty “internal candidates” who have been overlooked in selections to permanent teaching positions after interviews conducted recently, have challenged the appointment of the selection panels solely by the VC when the Sikkim University Act clearly stipulates the involvement of the Executive Council in this process.
They argue that the VC has done so by exercising his “emergency powers”, highlighting further that an Office Memorandum of the Secondary Education & Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India, clearly stipulates that the VC “should not” exercise his emergency powers for “Routine matters like creation of teaching and academic posts, appointment to the said posts, finalizing recruitment procedures etc.” and that these  “should invariably be placed before the authorities ordinarily empowered to take decisions in such cases”.
The protesting faculty members are convinced that the VC violated this Office Memorandum [which conveys explicit directions of the President of India who is the Visitor of all Central Universities], when he finalised the recruitment procedures by himself instead of allowing the Executive Council which is “authority ordinarily empowered” a role in it.
The six faculty members who petitioned their Executive Council today are: Rajendra Prasad, Shailendra K Mishra, Tapas Kr. Bayen, Manoranjan Mishra, PM Sorel and Rinki D. Kesharwani. All of them are Assistant Professors at SU in different Departments.
Responding to the obvious criticism of this being a case of sour grapes, a press statement issued by Mr. Prasad contends that although “such irregularity in the recruitment process and unfair practices have been going on for a long time in the University, however due to the absence of the Executive Council there was no competent body to approach” thus far.
The second Executive Council of the University was introduced at its first meeting only last week on 22 February. The earlier Executive Council had demitted office on 03 April 2011. The protesting faculty members allege that the selection interviews for 16 of the 20 academic departments of the University were intentionally timed for a period when the University had neither an Executive Council nor an Academic Council in place.
The petition marked to the Executive Council points out that while the posts were created in 2008 and eventually advertised in April 2010, selection interviews were not held until 2012, after both, the Executive and the Academic [in August 2011] Councils had demitted office.
The Sikkim University Act stipulated that the selection committees to recruit faculty members shall include nominees of the Executive Council selected from a panel of names [“for their knowledge of, or interest in, the subject with which the post is concerned”] recommended by the Academic Council. This, the petition contends, has not happened in the present recruitment process with the selection panel appointed by the VC solely by himself since there were no required Councils in office at the time.
They mention in their petition that while the SU administration might justify the VC’s actions on the grounds that the First Executive Council had empowered him to do so before its term ended, this exercise of emergency powers is explicitly denied by the Office Memorandum of the Ministry of HRD quoted earlier.
This, the VC did, the petitioners are convinced, so that he could favour some candidates while expelling several internal candidates he had personal problems with. The petition goes on to highlight that the entire process was unduly rushed. Even though the interviews were held two years after the posts were advertised and applications received, it was held in New Delhi with the shortlisted candidates given very little advance notice on the dates or venue. As a result, only between 50 to 55 per cent of the shortlisted candidates made it to the interview, the petition points out.
The six faculty members have demanded that the Executive Council, in light of the arguments placed, cancel the recruitment process which has already taken place and stay the ongoing recruitment process, re-notify the recruitment advertisement and restore the services of all contractual teachers till new appointments are done.


  1. Ok, so the interviews were held in Delhi??? werent some of these ones petitioning taken on contract through interviews held at Siliguri. Most times it is the convenience of the panel that is looked at. They may be correct in saying that the VC wants to favour some, he may, but just becouase they didnt get selected as permanent they are raising their fingers at him. Time and again ppl in SU have been told that just becoz u are already in the system will not ensure your being permanent!!! These guys should have known how serious the VC was when he used to constanlty remind all when the results of the management interviews were declared. So many of the admin staff didn't get absorbed as permanent staff, then none of these said any thing about nepotism and the like, then also it cud be seen that way was paved for ppl from other states and not necesarily Sikkim.

  2. Why this delayed reaction???? The asst profs must have got a call letter for the interview , and the place of interview must have been menttioned, so they must have know that the VC was flouting rule then and there, so why did they not go for a stay of the whole process!!! just becoause thye didnt get in now they are making it difficult for the ones who have got in. Being on contract in any org doesnt have to ensure permanancy??? or does it??

    1. Application for Faculty Recruitment of Sikkim University

      1. Name: (Surname Only)
      2. Are you from Darjeeling: Yes/No
      3. If not,
      a) Can you establish any other connection to m p Lama? (You can mention if your parents or relative is influential and can be useful for lama’s Career development)
      b) Have you ever Lama Bhajan in front of AC and EC members (who say Sikkim University has far better infrastructure than any other central universities in India)? (Give at least five instances, you can use separate sheet if necessary).
      4. How will you praise Lama? (Describe, not less than 1000 words)
      5. If you are a social science person: Are you from JNU? (If yes, add 1000 in your API)
      6. Unfortunately have you ever said anything (however small it is) about Lama in front of anybody? (If yes, deduct 2000 from your API)

    2. Awe inspiring, you are funny, mate and hit the nail on the head?

    3. I wish there was a like button here!!! that has been the process since the day he joined!! in the first installment of recruitment even on contract basis the majority were from JNU if not that from Darj and Kpg in the admin!!!

  3. Those who are raising about the irregularities in recruitment in Sikkim University, have raised this issue several times while working in the system........but their voice was discarded by the autocratic Vice Chancellor Prof. Mahendra P. Lama.
    But the central question remains relevant that is the misuse of the Vice Chancellor power in Sikkim University. Now, those who have raised on this issue should be saluted so that in the future no VC will think to do the same.

    Salute to those who raised against autocratic VC!!!!

    1. O one person who was raising their voice working within the system...till date we've heard of no such person...from what has been heard they used to be so desperate to be on the right side of the VC that none raised a voice and above all always pandered to the negative stories floated by the VC, xcpet for a few from the admin none had the "dum" to say may be its not like that, just becaouse u dont like a person u cant lable the person as corrupt, no u may be wrong" , Didnt get to hear of any faculty member standing up and saying no!! and if u are an academic u must be knowing that they are the most egoistic and bend rules at their whims and facncies!! lets wait for the next incumbent and see how willy nilly he will play every one. and every vc is know to circumvent the rules to suit himself/herself, lama is not the first to such a thing and will not be the last!!! so keep waiting!!!

    2. It is really bogus to make any base less comment against very humble and clean person like M P Lama. In my opinion people from Darjeeling r most intelligent people in of Indian people r fool. Sikkimese should be happy to be driver and sweeper. But one other formula also true. person close to lama always perform better in interview & person (anybody ever raise voice ) who think differently is fool and invariably will be worst performer in interview

    3. People of Darjeeling are very intelligent we know that but to prove that point if you say Sikkimese should be happy to be driver & sweeper then it will contradict with the first statement because there is two things: 1) if people of Darj are very intelligent they would not agree for Sikkimese people to be happy with driver & sweeper.
      2) if they agree then they are not intelligent , nor humble nor clean like "M P Lama"for such narrow minded people cannot be an intelligent person.

      One fact though is people of Sikkim are very humble.

  4. Late or not the point is the rule was violated by Mahendra P. Lama and has been doing so in several cases... Atleast this has started now hope it gains momentum and finally the truth of this so called academician comes out .... Truth shall prevail at the end... No more hail Hitler.. n even Hitler had an end ...

    1. You go investigate every University and u'll see its the same story, go to nearby NBU and u'll find nothing is different from here!!! Through the years it is seen, the ppl at SU cannot and donot have the courage to stand up. the ones who are doing it also , are doing so coz they are now out of the system!! the last heard, some in the admin pandered to his whims and fancies so much, not an iota of negative comments till the day they got confirmed as permanent employees and then began the deluge of mudslinging!!! so go see for your self and then raise fingers, don't go by hearsay...every one is looking after their own interest and nothing else!! and so called academician??? he is one , has been teaching for a long time- with books, papers, journals, articles to his name....sometimes one can't wish away certain facts.....tell me how many of the disgruntled force have books printed matter to their list!!!

    2. Yes reports for the Government of Sikkim, including fiasco's like Nathula, Hydel Projects, all prepared by MPL and his crony friends.

      I thought the guys dismissed were Assistant Professor's.

      Wishful thinking can actually be clarified, dear, 'every University' expert.

      MPL's books are nice, one is a paean to Nar Bahadur Bhandari!

      Sniggers. Giggles.

    3. Yes, they are assistant professor, and the main criterior for after u get yr doctorate for every academic , is tto be able to research and publish books and articlles, i have read a lot many coming out of SU asst profs also. and whats wrong with a paean to Nar Bahadur Bhandari, who as a mere school teachher had the courage to state up aganist the might of the Indian Govt, then rule the state for fifteen year...another matter that he turned corrupt in his later years!!! Sniggering and giggling will not help and not turn the truth into some u want!!!

    4. It wont turn mpl into an academician. At best, he is a report writer, who would sell, anything, even from the Darjeeling hills, to climb further.

      And I doubt mpl had a book out when he was a Assistant Professor.

      I will surely not discuss how good Bhandari was. I think we all know, how special he was for us.

    5. To be a dissenter, one does not have to overlook the finer points in a person, one should be levelheaded enough to recognise the good points too!! If he was a fool as u claim then how did mpl survive in the vicious world of academia, that too in one of the premier institutes of the country!!! and u wont believe , he did have a book....and that too released by the then CM of WB....n i think that was even before he became an assproff . a lil informed knwldge is required here instead of just hearsay!!! and u seem to have brought up NBB into the picture, not the person posting the rejoinder.....!!!

  5. Time and again ppl in SU have been told that just becoz u are already in the system will not ensure your being permanent!!!

    Someone familiar is troweling the web, in standing up for 'hamro manchye', feudal era, loyalties, but from across the border. Internet warriors, imagine a greater sense of self as well as proportion to ventilate.

    You should see a psychiatrist.

    1. Someone seems to be missing the woods for the trees!!!! the issues isn't about a person trawling the web (even Poonam Pandey is doing it!!!!) the issues as it stands is the vc and his nepotism!!! whether the responses are from within the Border, outside the Border or even from Timbutktu hardly is the is Lama and the asst proffs who, not being selected upped the ante and has gone full throttle against what he's for every one it is the self before every thing else- as for lama and as also for the unselected ones!!!! if they were so concerned for the Univ why didnt they react a longtime ago...i beleive they've been around for a certain no of years to see that their VC was upto some hanky panky. and its necessary for ppl from a marginalised area to stand up for the Hamro swamped as we are by biharis, marwaris, teesta paris and all!!!! what is the harm in it?? its happening every where and will intensify if the likes of more Lama appear on the horizon!!!! and see a psychiatrist just for not agreeing with the disgruntled lot and wanting more of Hamro manchey in the SU system???

  6. VC is misusing his power wherever he can while he rests his gun on SU & shoots whoever he wants to recruit because it is not just the sikkim university in Sikkim but also Sikkim University Guest House in Siliguri where he played a major role for recruiting people for guest house related employees... from cook to the manager... who sees that,,, now thats mastermind Mahindra P Lama while his attention all being focussed on SU he has already done the harm in Siliguri.. Bravo to M P Lama...

  7. Major role....his is the sole and main role......its a one act play!!!

  8. Every person in power will exploit the system, but the sad thing is Lama does it in the garb of betterment of the hill people, by which we should understand, the people whom he knows mostly from Darj & Kpg and JNU!!! Its interesting to note that he thinks that Sikkimese are fit to be just drivers, peons (support staff vc's nomenclature) not even clerks.....if possible he wud have them from Darj but cud'nt, and whereever possible as in Siliguri will do so!

  9. For now what we can do is focus all our attention to the recruitment that is going on in Sikkim University rite now...NOTE : HIS service being extended till JUNE until which the recruitment process will be over, he will play with the recruitment process as his final attack to the sentiments of the people of SIKKIM. Also to note-just to disguise they have the EXECUTIVE COUNCIL for the recrutiment process, the normal written examination (think of question paper leaked) & finally the viva . How transparent will the process be and cant the recruitment be done after JUNE no not at all because then "Dr" Mahindra P lama will be leaving & yes the written examination is supposed to be this coming week so hows that for a THOUGHT.

  10. The ones who lodged a protest should have done so when they got the call letter!!! they reacted only after they found that they were discarded!! These were the ones who cud have gone and got a stay from the court, but they waited to see if they wud get in , to see if the boss wud change his already made up mind in the interview room.....

  11. I have also heard, the guy, who won the Best Teacher award is out.

    Must be a very tough panel, the new candidates must be awesome. I am sure now, SU, will rival MIT and Harvard.

    Thank You Dr. MP Lama.

  12. Ok he's out?? may be he was the best out of the mediocre lot already there ....... may be the interviews did throw up better options and gave SU better people to choose from....nothing in life is constant, its ever changing , so also, his ability to prove himself the best!!!

  13. True ^^^, you have the ability and the skills to judge the mediocrity of the lot.

    What position do you work in?

    Did lama get you the job? Did he bend some rules for you?

    Dig a little and you might come up with some skeletons, you are hiding.

  14. whats the harm in trying to make it into a world class say the least it doesnt seem to be happening at the moment , with scabblings going on like in a typical Indian University, where one reads about constant jousting between the VC and the Academic staff!!!

    why does one need to be in the system or work in SU to know whats happening?? just as u know that the teachers are world class i know they are mediocre......Gtk is a small town...."star ko kuna mah achoo gariyeo bhaney , hospital dara mah suncha", so its not necessary to be there at SU...there are students, staff at every level, drivers, peons,and what have u who love to babble, grumble or rave so may be i heard more of the grumbling by the students.... !!

  15. So whats the moral of the story.....the powers to be will side with the power only!!! with the termination order by the EC, shows they are in no mood to pander to the common voice!!! but atleast this time one of the EC member is a Sikkimese!!


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