
Friday, January 27, 2012

Singhi Cham at Lingthem Monastery

LINGTHEM, 24 Jan:  A weeklong Singhi Cham concluded at the Rikzing Choephel Targayling, Monastery at Lingthem in Upper Dzongu on 23 January. Organized by the public and the gumpa committee, the rituals had begun on 17 January.
This auspicious Singhi Cham is held every three years at the monastery with the devout believing that it benefits all the people and propitiates the Gods for world peace. Despite the remoteness of the village, the monastery was packed with the devotees on the final day.
Around 70 monks of the monastery, including the Omje and Dorjee Lopen, recited the special prayers - gyaldep – through the seven days. Kawang was bestowed on the people on the final day.
On the penultimate day, the chyam was attended by the area MLA, Power Minister Sonam Gyatso Lepcha accompanied by the DC North, TN Kazi,  DDO Chewang Gyatso Bhutia, Chairman Milk Union, Choden Lepcha, former chairman Chumki Saring Lepcha, MNP councillor Pappu Kumar Mallu, Panchayat members, officials and the devotees.
Legden Lepcha, the Tsultrimpha of the monastery, while speaking to NOW! informed that the monastery was established in the year 1854 by Lama Zogchen Singrap Gyatso. Only the Tholung Monastery is of older vintage in Dzogu. He also informed that the main purpose for the Singhi Chyam was to eradicate bad karmas and seek world peace.

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