
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sikkim BJP wants CS to explain CM’s ‘whereabouts’

GANGTOK, 16 Jan: The Bharatiya Janta Party’s Sikkim State president, Padam Bahadur Chettri, today submitted a letter to the Chief Secretary seeking details on the whereabouts of the Chief Minister.
The letter contends that the whereabouts of the CM are not known to the people of Sikkim for more than 15 days now, and being a representative of the people, he owed it to the people to keep them informed of his travels.
The letter demands that if the CM is not keeping well, a detailed ‘health bulletin’ be issued along with details of total expenditure incurred in treatment. It further demands that if he is on tour, his tour programme be released along with details of the touring team and total expenditure incurred. If the CM is on official duty, the people of Sikkim should know the public duty being performed by him during his absence from the state, the letter further states.
Addressing a press conference today, Mr Chettri mentioned that it was the responsibility of the Chief Secretary to inform the people of Sikkim on the whereabouts of the CM.
Mr Chettri mentioned that if the CS does not provide these details within one week, then the party will approach the Governor and other concerned central government agencies. He also mentioned that even if the CM reappears in the state in the next few days, the CS will still have to release details of his whereabouts to the people of Sikkim.
When many of the affected people of the 18 September earthquake have still not received their relief fund how can the CM go missing from the state, he further challenged.
In this regard, he alleged that the State Bank of Sikkim’s Yuksam branch failed to release relief money to affected people, as the bank has no money. “…and in such a situation, how can the CM go missing from the state”” Mr Chettri further questioned.

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