
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

SDF organizes picnic cum party meeting for Zoom-Salghari constituency

NAMCHI, 02 Jan: A constituency level picnic cum party meeting of the ruling Sikkim Democratic Front for Zoom-Salghari constituency was held on 28 Dec 2011 here at the Karfectar Guest House, Jorethang. The meeting had area MLA, Madan Cintury, as the chief guest accompanied by South District In-Charge of the SDF, Gagan Rai, as the guest of honour.
Addressing the gathering, the MLA highlighted that the party functions as a pyramid built upon the CEC, CLC, WLC and BLC and stressed that primary and active membership should be taken up only if individuals supported the party from their heart.
He urged party workers to be careful when enrolling new members, stressing that just getting new names to gain favor in the party amounts to cheating.
“We should be more careful as all anti SDF parties are coming together but this will not affect SDF party and its policies,” he added. He further said that there will be more than 8 political parties fighting in the upcoming assembly elections wherein all opposition votes are going to get distributed but the SDF party vote bank will remain unaffected.
Accusing party dissident PS Tamang and his team of mixing politics with religion and playing with the religious sentiments of the people, he said that they should instead come out in the open with their manifesto, policies and agenda.
Similarly, South District In-Charge cum Chairman Tea Board, Gagan Rai in his address urged the people to compare the developmental work undertaken by the SDF Government with the previous governments and then decide their future.
Stating that actions speak louder than words Mr. Rai said that the work of the ruling SDF party under the leadership of Chief Minister Pawan Chamling speaks louder than the allegations of so called opposition parties and added that the people of Sikkim are mature enough to know it.
The programme was also addressed by General Secretary of the party RN Rai, CLC Vice President Neelam Khati, CLC Joint Secretary Mani Kr. Tamang and other party leaders. Along with the party supporters from Zoom- Salghari Constituency the picnic cum meeting was also attended by CLC President, Zoom Salghari Bhuwan Tiwari, General Secretary, Organization DN Sherpa, members of Jorethang Nagar Panchayat, Zilla Panchayats and the Panchayats from different GPUs of the constituency.

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