
Friday, December 2, 2011

Training on bio-security in poultry farming held

NGTOK, 01 Dec: A day-long training-cum-demonstration on Bio-security in Poultry Farming was conducted for the poultry farmers of Rhenock-Tarpin at the Animal Husbandry poultry farm at Rhenock on 28 November.

An Animal Husbandry Department press release informs that the training covered various related topics, and that participants were briefed on the importance and different procedures of bio-security in poultry farming.
The training was conducted under ATMA by Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services Department [East] and had Deputy Director [Pakyong], Dr DP Pradhan, Dr PK Pathak from KVK and Veterinary Officer, Dr Pema T Bhutia, as resource persons.
Dzongu Livelihood School trainees apprentice at ICAR
GANGTOK, 01 Dec: Trainees at the Dzongu Livelihood School for Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services, running under the aegis of State Institute of Capacity Building (SICB), completed an On-Job-Training at the Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR), Sikkim Centre (Tadong) today. The forty trainees at the livelihood school took the training in two batches from 23 November to 01 December.
A press communiqué received from Deputy Director (R&C), Dr. IBS YADAV, informs that the main idea behind arranging the on-job-training was for the students to receive “tangible knowledge” at appropriate animal farms from specialized and professional trainers.
ICAR provided the trainees from Dzongu with hands-on briefings on Animal Nutrition, Health Care, Marketing Skills, Housing and Breeding for Poultry, Piggery, Cattle rearing, Goatery and Dairy etc.
They have been provided practical knowledge on skills required for Cattle, Calf & Bull Attendant, Dairy Farm Watchman, Shed Cleaner and Farm Yard Manure (FYM) Attendant, Fodder Production Attendant, Feed Processing Attendant, Parturition Assistant, Semen Collector, Artificial Inseminator, Livestock Supervisor, Milk Procurement and Chilling Assistant, Milk Tester, Sales Promotion Organiser-Liquid Milk and Milk Products.
The training was personally conducted by Dr. Saroj Toppo, Senior Scientist, Animal Nutrition, Dr. Ramesh Chandra, Senior Scientist, Live Stock Production & Management, Dr. L.R.Chatlod, Scientist, Animal Health & Care and Dr. Samir Das, Scientist, Animal Health of ICAR, Sikkim Centre, Tadong; and was coordinated by Ranjan Rai, Deputy Director (Counselling, Placement & Examination) guided by SD Dhakal, Chief Administrator, SICB, the release details.
Children paint in Dikchu to spread AIDS awareness
MANGAN, 01 DEC:  Students from Dikchu Secondary School and Springdale School took part in an Art Competition held at Springdale School here today to mark World AIDS Day. The event was organized by Dikchu Youth Welfare Association in collaboration with the Sikkim State AIDS Control Society. Expectedly, the competition was held on the theme of AIDS.
A short-awareness programme was also held today with Dr. Mohan Thapa, Medical Officer, Dikchu PHC, as chief guest accompanied by Sudipta Basu, Branch Manager, State Bank on India, Dikchu, and Sandeep Rai (Cashier) as a special guests.
Delivering his welcome address, Chungchung Tongden Lepcha, the DYWA general secretary, spoke at length about HIV and AIDS and how it can be prevented.
The chief guest, in turn, explained the virus and the disease in simple terms for the benefit of the students and fleshed out the difference between the two. He also reminded students of their responsibility toward generating wider awareness on HIV and AIDS, especially in rural areas, so that those at risk could be saved in time. He also stressed that students could play a leading role in changing ill-informed mindsets which continued to discriminate against those with HIV/ AIDS.
Awareness among the young was even more important in light of the fact that one-third of all reported AIDS cases were in the 15-29 years age-group and said that the increasing incidence of pre-marital sex in an environment of inadequate information/ awareness posed a major challenge.
As for the painting competition, Sapna Rai of Dikchu Secondary School stood first followed by Akhil Rai, Sukraj Gurung and Guddu Giri, also of the same school in the following positions. Anjali Subba of Springdale School came in fifth.

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