
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sikkim briefs TTFI gen secy on preparations to host National Veteran’s TT Championship

GANGTOK, 04 Nov: An informal meeting of the Sikkim Table Tennis Association [STTA] and the Sikkim Veteran’s Table Tennis Association [SVTTA] was held today and a brief report on the upcoming National Veteran’s Table Tennis Championship [to be held in Sikkim in February, 2012] was also presented to the Secretary General, Table Tennis Federation of India, DR Chowdhary, who was on a one-day visit to the State.

Speaking to members of STTA and SVTTA at the meeting, the TTFI Secretary General commented that to take part in an event is easy, but to host the event itself was very challenging, with even big states like West Bengal hesitating from doing so. Sikkim’s coming forward to host this event was thus very brave and encouraging, he remarked.
The biggest hurdle in hosting such events is the budget, which, he said, could be alleviated by getting sponsors, making souvenirs and collecting funds from small donors, while the equipment support would be provided by Table Tennis Federation of India [TTFI], he added. It is also necessary to make and organise committees and sub-committees to look into the functioning of such events, while the stadium also needs to be upgraded as there is very little time, he observed.
He further informed of plans to start training programmes for coaches by foreign coaches in the country soon and also of appointing foreign coaches for junior TT players.
He also stated that TTFI will be donating some TT tables to STTA and that from next year [2012] TTFI will also be providing equipment support to STTA.
Speaking earlier at the meet, President, STTA, CK Basnett thanked the Secretary General for visiting the state on STTA’s request.
He further informed that 450 players participated in the recently held State Open TT Tournamnets and talked about plans of conducting National Junior and Senior Championships in Sikkim in collaboration with the State Government.
Earlier, General Secretary, SVTTA, Kuber Bhandari gave a brief report on preparations underway for the 19th National Veteran’s TT Championship to be hosted by Sikkim.

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