
Sunday, December 11, 2011

MEDIA SHOULD REPORT, NOT EXAGGERATE: SDF youth from Namchyebong reiterate

We condemn news-item published in some local dailies which have projected a false impression regarding the tension that broke out yesterday while the SDF party dissident, PS Golay and the SDF party were addressing the public simultaneously at different venues under 22 Namcheybong constituency in east Sikkim.

We would like to question on what basis they published reports of 400 people in Mr Golay’s meeting when there were only 9 people who hailed from Namcheybong constituency and the rest were not from the area. And there were only 14 vehicles rallying in support of Mr Golay instead of the reported 40 vehicles.
When we, 350 youth and chelis were convening a meeting, Mr Golay’s supporters were hiding in the house of Kewal Upreti. If Mr Golay claims to be a man of courage then he should directly discuss matters with the youth and chelis of the SDF party before getting at the Chief Minister and his MLAs.
We do not accept the interference by such groups into the lives of innocent people. We warn them that if they try to misguide the general public again then we will not go easy on them.
[abridged and translated from the original in Nepali]
Namcheybong Constituency Youth and Cheli
[Kishore Rai (Youth Convener), CB Gurung (Youth Convener), Bisnuu Darji (CIC), Pranay Lohar (Convener), Bishal Pradhan (Vice-Youth Convener), KC Bhutia (Zilla Sumin Lingzey]

1 comment:

  1. this is strange.
    a bunch of political activists have issued an indirect threat of violence, told off your other partners in the media and dictated what they can or cannot report and you translated their letter and put it up on your site?
    for an editor given to verbose musings on everything under the sun, the silence on this matter does seem disconcerting.
    and lastly even if they had some valid point, their issue is with the 'local dailies' so the letter logically should have been published by them, with either a retraction or 'we stand by our story' line.
    NOW! on the other hand should have filed an objective report from the ground explaining what actually transpired.
    anyway that would have been fair journalism.


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