
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

International Kagyu Monlam at Bodhgaya from 14 to 20 Dec

GANGTOK, 11 Dec: International Kagyu Monlam, a mass prayer ceremony held every year in Bodh Gaya at the Mahabodhi tree is scheduled to begin on 14 Dec and conclude on 20 Dec with Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje presiding over the week-long prayer ceremony, informs a press release.
The 14th Gyalwang Shamarpa Mipham Chokyi Lodrue will also be present during the prayer ceremony, the release informs. This year, thousands of devotees, both monk and nuns, lay devotees, including a large number from Sikkim, Bhutan and Nepal are expected to attend this mega-annual Kagyu ceremony, the release adds.

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