
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Students colour water conservation message

GANGTOK, 14 Sept: A total of 48 students representing schools from across the State participated in the state-level painting competition on the theme, ‘Conserve Water for Future’, here at Paljor Stadium gymnasium hall today.
The competition was organised by the Central Ground Water Authority, Ministry of Water Resource [Eastern Region], Kolkata, in association with Human Resource Development Department to mark Children’s Day.
Rigzongmit Lepcha of Phensong Secondary School was adjudged first, with Jiwan Gazmer of Salleybong Junior High School and Sushmita Rai of Deorali Girls Senior Secondary School coming the second and third respectivley.
These top three artists will now compete with the best three from other states at the National Level Painting Competition sheduled to be held at Delhi next month.

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