
Sunday, November 6, 2011

St Stephen’s College, Delhi lends a hand to earthquake affected families at Chandaney

SINGTAM, 04 Nov: A 13-member team from St. Stephen’s College, Delhi accompanied by president, SPARK NGO, Praveen Pradhan, carried out earthquake rehabilitation work at Chandaney, under Dalapchand GPU on 02-03 Nov.
The team from St Stephen’s College headed by lecturer and staff advisor from the college’s Social Service League, Richa Rai, had reached Gangtok on 01 Nov. The team then headed for Chandaney where they met the local villages and expressed their desire to help them. The team distributed and installed seven tents for affected families there.
The team had earlier, met the Rongli BDO and SDM, Rongli Sub Division at their offices.
President of the Social Service League, Thangchungnung Mangte informed that the Social Service League is a society at St Stephens College that works for social causes.  Previously they have visited Tsunami affected areas in South India and also worked during the Bihar flood.
Mangte further informed that their small team of students had collected donations from the students to help the earthquake affected families of Sikkim and had brought seven tents along with them. They had wished to work at a small village so they had contacted Praveen Pradhan, President SPARK NGO from Singtam prior to their visit who told them about Chandaney and other areas under Regu BAC.  The students interacted with the villagers of Chandaney and found them very cooperative and humble.
 The villagers thanked the students for their support and went on to say that SPARK NGO from Singtam had visited earlier and promised help so they were very pleased with their effort.
The Social Service League group and Praveen Pradhan have thanked Principal of St. Stephen College, Revd. Dr. Valson Thampu, for allowing them to visit Sikkim, Tashi Densapa, alumni of St Stephen College, Speaker Sikkim Legislative Assembly, KT Gyaltsen, Helping Hand, Gangtok, PD Rai, SDM Rongli Sub Division, Dhiraj Pradhan, BDO Regu BAC and MK Rai, Panchayat Secretary for their support.
Lastly, Mr Pradhan has thanked Richa Raj and her college team for their commendable work and wished them success in their future projects too. [from SHITAL PRADHAN]

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