
Friday, November 18, 2011

Special prayers mark Lhabab Duechen at Enchey

GANGTOK, 17 Nov: Lhabab Duechen was observed all over the State today and special prayers held at the Enchey Monastery here as well.
“When Lord Buddha was teaching in this world, he went to heaven where his mother had taken birth and once there he continued his teachings for three months for those in heaven. Then, Lord Buddha descended back on earth and this particular occasion is celebrated to this day as Lhabab Duechen,” explained Pasong Namgyal, president of the Sikkim Buddhist Duechen Organisation, while speaking to NOW!
Lhabab Düchen is one of the four Buddhist festivals commemorating four events in the life of the Buddha. Lhabab Düchen occurs on the 22nd day of the ninth month on a Tibetan calendar.
This is a Buddhist festival celebrated to observe the descent of Buddha from heaven back to earth. Buddha had left for heaven at the age of 41, having ascended to The Heaven of Thirty-Three [Trayastrimsa] in order to give teachings to benefit the gods in the desire realms and to repay the kindness of his mother by liberating her from Samsara.
He was exhorted by his follower and representative Maugalyayana to return, and after a long debate managed to return. This is considered to be one of the eight great deeds of the Buddha. He returned to earth by a special triple ladder prepared by Viswakarma, the god of machines.
On Lhabab Duchen, the effects of positive or negative actions are multiplied ten million times. It is part of Tibetan Buddhist tradition to engage in virtuous activities and prayer on this day.

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