
Monday, November 14, 2011

Sikkim Liberation Party writes to PM, questions Centre’s refusal to demand accountability from State Govt

GANGTOK, 13 Nov: Sikkim Liberation Party convenor, Duk Nath Nepal, is submitting a memorandum to the Prime Minister on Monday demanding that the Union Government make its stand and intention on Sikkim clear.
Speaking on the memorandum at a press conference here today, Mr Nepal mentioned that in the recent earthquake of 18 September, more government structures sustained damages than private constructions, while also contending that even central agencies in the past have mentioned that government structures were sub-standard.
On the same, he contended that even after getting such reports, the central government is pumping in more funds into the state and questioned the intension of the central government on this matter.
Quoting the memorandum, he said that the CAG Report for the year ended 31 March 2007 clearly states that Sikkim lies in a geologically vulnerable and sensitive zone. Most of the government offices are in need of detailed evaluation and retrofitting keeping in view the possibility of powerful quakes and other natural calamities, the memorandum further mentions.
Despite this, there is continuous flow of central funds into the State for construction of mega hydel projects even in restricted areas of the State, creating influx in the state, Mr Nepal alleged.
The party has also announced that its next course of action will be to unite all political and non-political organisations into a single voice against the establishment. He mentioned that after unification in the regional level the party would then go for unification at the national level.

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