
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sikip BAC observes NED

NAMCHI, 14 Nov: National Education Day was also celebrated at the block level at Sikip BAC premises on 11 Nov with Panchayat Secretary, Krishna Rai as the chief guest.
The celebration began with a rally taken out by students of the surroundings schools under the Sikip BAC, school heads and teachers, staff of the Sikip BAC. The rally began from Sikip school and concluded at the Sikip BAC, the venue of the main programme of the day.
The programme started with a welcome address by AEO Sikip BAC, Indira Rai wherein she informed about the implementation of the RTE Act in the state and urged all parents and panchayats to cooperate with the school and help their children in the learning process.
BDO Sikip, Bishal Mukhia in his address stressed on the importance of education and said that students should not focus on job oriented education but in gaining knowledge that can help them in any field they choose. The main resource person of the day lecturer DIET, NK Chettri briefed the gathering on RTE and CCE.
A block-level painting competition was also held wherein Bibek Rai of Chumlok JHS, Naul Rai of Lingmo JHS and Uttam Rai stood first, second and third respectively. Role play and cultural programme was also performed on the day.
Similarly, Government Kopchey Primary School also celebrated the day with a rally from the school till Singithang.  Ward Panchayat, Bidhan Rai, Headmaster, Prakash Rai, SMC and school staff, parents, villagers and the students attended the programme.
Dong-Ambotey Primary school also celebrated National Education Day with a rally, role play and message of the CM read out by the Headmaster. 

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