
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Red Cross Society reviews and plans activities in Sikkim

GANGTOK, 29 Nov: The Indian Red Cross Society, Sikkim Branch, convened a meeting on 25 November chaired by Speaker, KT Gyaltsen who is also the President of the Society’s state branch at the Conference Hall of Sikkim Legislative Assembly, informs a press release. The meeting was attended by Vice Chairman, Dr SK Dewan, Legal adviser, Mr. Uppadhai, General Secretary, BK Roka, Jt. Secretary, KN Subedi along with the executive and regular members of the society.
General Secretary, IRCS, BK Roka, after his welcome speech presented a detailed report to the gathering with respect to the earthquake relief activities undertaken, including, the distribution of relief materials in the hard hit areas of the state. The house was informed regarding the participation of the National Disaster Response teams from the National Head Quarters and the role of the state members in tackling this crisis.
According to the release, the hall mark of the relief work was the installation of the NOMAD Water Purifier, which purified 40,000 liters of water per day at Chungthang. It was instrumental in providing safe drinking water and the prevention of waterborne diseases. It has greatly benefitted the local public and is still in use. A total of 2000 blankets, 500 tarpaulin sheets, 200 cooking stoves, 500 kitchen sets and 1000 shelter kits received from the National Headquarter, New Delhi and Red Crescent of Malaysia has been distributed to all the beneficiaries in the state.
The General Secretary also mentioned that the society had arranged for the Family News Services (FNS) at North Sikkim, through which 45 displaced individual and families of Earthquake victims could contact their families inside and outside the state. A combined exercise by the Helping Hand Group and the Sikkim Red Cross Society Branch was under taken for the North district under Paljor Lachungpa wherein all the difficult areas like Bey, Lingzya, Lachen and Lachung were provided with relief aids.  
The participation of female members of the society in the relief campaign was highlighted and fully appreciated and the need to go in for massive membership drive stressed upon, the release mentions. Mr. Roka also informed the house regarding proposals sent to the National Headquarter, New Delhi, requesting for (a) Disaster Management Programme, (b) SDRT workshop and training with facilitators and a training programme on JRC and YRC in Sikkim.
Jt. Secretary, IRCS / Sikkim State Branch, KN Subedi deliberated on the financial position of the society which needs to be improved upon he added. He too stressed upon a membership drive and the need to develop the society’s own infrastructure by acquiring the allotted land at Amdo Golai. He also reviewed the earlier financial proposal before the house.
Vice- Chairman of the society, Dr SK Dewan spoke on strategies and activities for 2012-2013. The Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) of the Executive body members to be held in the month of Feb/March 2012 and due stress to be given for the development of Junior Red Cross and Youth Red Cross this year were discussed.
Observance of the World Red Cross Day that falls on 08 May in a grand manner in the State level so that more people volunteer for Red Cross; awareness in basic First Aid, environment concerns, emergency and disaster management concepts to be imparted to all schools and at the community level in the state; a detailed plan of action being developed by the society were also discussed.
The release further informs that the President, IRCS, Sikkim State Branch, KT Gyalsten stressed on the aims and objectives of the Society. He expressed his happiness and gratitude to the members for having contributed and risen up to the expectations of the people in the wake of this unfortunate crisis. He however reminded the members that the office of the Red Cross Society must be functionally active and donated a desk top computer along with an office assistant to meet its objectives.
He suggested developing a new website for the society and stressed that the Annual General Meeting needs to be held at the earliest and membership drive needs to be taken to the district level as well.
Welcoming the strategic plan of the society he stressed on developing the activity calendar for 2012 at the earliest. To consolidate the efforts of the society he felt that national level experts in the field of disaster management need to be brought to the state from the pool of experts from the National Headquarter to impart workshops and training to our volunteers.
He also expressed his appreciation to the Indian Red Cross Society and Helping Hand group especially its President, Palzor Lachungpa for their tremendous effort in helping the victims of the disaster, the release mentions. He also iterated that the civil society and student community needs to be motivated in the right virtues of life and the society should work in this direction. He concluded his speech by expressing his deep sorrow for the ones who lost their lives and properties in the disaster.

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