
Monday, November 7, 2011

Parents -Teachers’ Coordination Meet at Darap Secondary School, West Sikkim

GANGTOK, 06 Nov: The Annual Coordination Meeting of Parents and Teachers of Government Secondary School, Darap, West Sikkim, was held on 1 November at its premises. The meeting presided over by Zilla Adhyaksha, West District Zilla Panchayat, Karma Choki Bhutia, who is also the Chairperson of School Managing Committee [SMC], and was attended by SMC members, SMDC, Parents and entire staff of school informs a press release.
The Chairperson of the meeting lauded the sincere efforts of school in its progress. She, besides assuring her possible support to school, asked the parents to extend their cooperation constantly and sincerely. Placing his annual report, PL Subba, the Headmaster of school highlighted the performance of school during the last academic year. He informed the august gathering on the future programmes of the school that included the publication of annual magazine Sewalungma and release on Children’s Day, extension of school playground, diversion of road lying in front of school assembly ground for the safety of school going children, celebration of Diamond Jubilee of school in 2013, up gradation of school to senior secondary level etc. He mentioned the need of SMC coming together and pursues the matters so that every future works of school are completed in time. Besides, he placed some important proposals such as realization of few fees, introduction of school tie from primary classes, regular supervision of MDM cooking and serving by Parents etc. before the august gathering which was consented unanimously.
While speaking on Discipline, Regularity and Punctuality, Neatness and cleanliness, GK Chhetri, stressed on the need of maximum attention from the side of parents. Welcoming the gathering, Harka Khamdhak, Head Limboo teacher of the school, stressed on the value system, love towards mother tongue etc.
The meeting mastered by RP Rai and was also addressed by Mirman Limboo, Unit Panchayat Secretary, KB Limboo, a SMC Member and GT Bhutia, parent representative.

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