
Monday, November 14, 2011

National Education Day observed at Rakdong Tintek BAC

GANGTOK, 11 Nov: National Education Day was celebrated at Rakdong Tintek BAC, East Sikkim today in a programme which had BDO, Rakdong Tintek, Tenzing Dorjee Denzongpa, as the chief guest, informs a press release.
Teachers and students of Tintek Swarasati Primary School and Sunrise Boarding School, senior citizens of the area, Panchayats, BAC staff, and the local public were present at the function. AEO, HRDD, DP Sharma, briefed the gathering on Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad and the National Education Day that marks his birthday, the release informs.
Mr Sharma also spoke on the Right to Education Act and appealed to the panchayats, senior citizens, villagers, students and all the people to enroll children to educational institutions at the age of 6 years which is their birth right. He also appealed to educate handicapped children and drop outs. Concluding his speech, Mr Sharma read out the message of the Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan  Singh.
The chief guest, Mr Denzongpa, also addressed the gathering and delivered words of encouragement and appealed to the people to help make the block a 100% literate block, the release mentions. He also assured to give every possible help from his side in this regard. 
Resource Teacher, HRDD of Tintek BAC, Sangay Ongmu Bhutia, conveyed the message from the Chief Minister, Dr Pawan Chamling to the gathering.  The programme ended with a rally from Tintek BAC to Upper Tintek via Tintek Swarasati Primary School (Tintek Zero) and back, the release adds. AEO, DP Sharma, thanked all present for making the programme a success.
Rallies were also taken out by Tintek Marchak Primary School and Simik Lingzey Junior High School in their respective areas, the release further adds.

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