
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

NASBO urges centre to take up Rathongchu Hydel project concerns seriously

GANGTOK, 01 Nov: The National Sikkimese Bhutia Organisation has expressed that all ongoing activities by executing agencies  at the hydel project sites be immediately stopped in view of the high powered committee constituted by the Ministry of Home Affairs to assess the religious implications on the proposed three mega power projects over sacred Rathongchu River.
A press release issued by the organization today urged the central government to take up the matter and examine it in the utmost seriousness.
NASBO has been making submissions to the central government in this particular issue for a long time now and the organization has expressed that the prime minister to take up their appeal failing which the central government would be responsible should there be any untoward incident. The release goes on to state “…one’s civilization is ZERO when its very religion and cultures are attacked…”.
At the same time NASBO has stated that the organization …”and the Buddhist people of Sikkim is open to all the options, both national and international, in ensuring that the sanctity and sacredness of our sacred Rathongchu is maintained at all cost, thereby preserving the sanctity of Buddha Dharma”.

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