
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Namchi resident alleges police brutality

NAMCHI, 30 Oct: The residents of Namchi are up in arms against what they see as a disturbing display of high-handedness and police brutality. Their ire is directed against the 2nd Officer in Command, Namchi Police Station, accused of “brutally” assaulting one Ramesh Mangar while he was under police custody over what many see as a minor misdemeanor.
On Diwali night, 26 October, Ramesh Mangar was picked up from Agam Singh Tamang Marg here by Namchi Police personnel headed by the second OC Sub Inspector Tashi Chopel Bhutia. He was taken into police custody for causing threat to people as he was throwing firecrackers, informed the family members of Mr. Mangar.
According to the family members, Ramesh Mangar apologized to the 2nd OC promising not to continue bursting firecrackers but was still taken into police custody.
He was kept in the lock-up overnight and released in the afternoon the next day, it is informed. His family members and friends of Namchi had gone to the Police Station to request bail the same night, but the 2nd OC refused to meet them, it is alleged.
While talking to media persons after his release, Mr Mangar showed marks of assault alleging that the 2nd OC beat him with a wooden roll.
SP South, Manoj Tiwari, when contacted said that he was on leave at present and will look into the matter when he joins duty on 01 November. OC Namchi Police Station, PI CB Basnet was also on leave at the time with the 2nd OC as the overall In-charge of Namchi Police Station when the incident occurred. He could not be contacted for comment on the issue.

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