
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Melli Dara-Paiyong celebrates Cooperative Week

GANGTOK, 18 Nov: 22-Melli Dara-Paiyong Gram Panchayat Unit celebrated the 58th All India Cooperative Week on 18 Nov at CM Pradhan auditorium, Melli Dara, on the theme ‘Empowerment of women, youth and weaker sections through cooperatives’, informs a press release.
Area MLA, Tulsi D Rai was present as the chief guest on the occasion. Panchayat President, Ganesh K Rai welcomed all on the day and informed the people about the objectives of the cooperative society. He highlighted that human resource needs to be developed in order to take up responsibilities to build the society through these cooperative societies.
The GPU also handed over a cheque of Rs. 1 Lakh as aid to the Melli Dara Milk Cooperative Society in order to construct a Milk Collection Centre at Melli Dara.
The messages from the Governor of Sikkim and the Chief Minister on the cooperative week were also read out while the presidents of different cooperative societies also shared their experiences, the release informs. ARCS, Bimal Rai shed light on values and principles of the cooperative societies and urged all the members to adhere to them.
While, the area MLA in her address iterated that it is only through the cooperative societies that the gap between the rich and the poor can be bridged. She expressed gratitude to the Chief Minister for starting the cooperative movement and further added that upliftment of the poor and the empowerment of women and weaker sections of the society can only be realized through the cooperative societies, the release mentions.
President, Sikkim State Cooperative Union and Registrar, JR also addressed the gathering. The programme concluded with a short musical programme.
Zilla Panchayat member, Farwanti Tamang, representatives from the departments, Panchayat Presidents and members of all cooperative societies of the GPU also attended the programme.

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