
Thursday, November 3, 2011

GSI submits Status Report to state government and EG report to GSI, Shillong on earthquake

AMEET OBEROIGANGTOK, 02 Nov: The Geological Survey of India [GSI], Sikkim Unit has submitted its status report on the 18 September earthquake to the Government of Sikkim while the full report will be submitted within this month as the Earthquake Geology [EG] report is still being interpreted informed the Director, GSI [Sikkim Unit], while speaking to NOW! today. After the 18 September earthquake, GSI officials visited each and every affected village to assess the damages and collect data from all the seismic stations which have been installed all over the state. The EG reports have been collected and sent to the Earthquake Geology Division, GSI, Shillong for interpretation, which is being awaited, the Director informed.
Most of the damages are to buildings in and around Gangtok and the adjoining areas and this is due to the fact that the rock type below is very fragile. Another cause has been verified to be the heavy construction in these areas, he said and added that in future, people should construct less floors and take permission from Structural Engineers during construction.
The Director, recently visited North Sikkim and informed that there were major damages to roads, mainly the Mangan-Chungthang, Chungthang-Lachen and Chungthang-Lachung roads, which have been littered with landslides triggered by the 18 September earthquake.
He further informed that slight tremors will continue for over a month to a month and a half as this was natural and that GSI was doing all that is necessary to assess the damages. 

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