
Friday, November 11, 2011

Crop production goes to waste around Kitam Bird Sanctuary with increased ravages of wild animals


NAMCHI,10 Nov: The people residing in the fringe areas of Kitam Bird Sanctuary in South Sikkim are frustrated with the trespasses of wild boar into their fields resulting in the destruction of their crops and vegetables; at the same time they are also frustrated at the disinterest of the concerned department in this particular issue.
The yearlong labour of the people residing in these areas has been totally brought to nought by wild boars and peacock. The villagers today called the media personnel from Namchi and showed the damages caused by the wild boar, deer and peacock. While visiting the spot it was found that paddy fields of most villagers is situated near the forest areas into which wild boar, deer and peacock often trespass during night.
The villagers stated that earlier hunting was legal which helped keep the population of such animals under control and kept field damage to minimum but since nowadays hunting had been banned this resulted in the sudden increase in their population.
The villagers complain that while the government has declared Kitam Reserve Forest as Wild Life Sanctuary not a single step has been taken to limit the wild animals within its boundary. On the other hand they also allege that the department has not been listening to the grievances and complaints of the people.
One Dhan Raj Pradhan who has taken land for paddy cultivation on an annual lease of Rs. 15,000/- stated that he would still have to pay up his due lease amount despite the destruction of his field and his labour of 6 months. He along with his family is today totally miserable with the entire crop having been damaged. He informed that his previous crop of maize had also been totally destroyed by the animals. He is absolutely disillusioned at the concerned department. 
DS Tamang, another farmer is totally fed up with the animals and the department’s pathetic approach to their problems so much so that he has decided to keep his land barren this time. “It is better to keep the land barren than to feed the crop to wild animals”, he says.
The villagers also informed that the Forest Department had distributed compensation to the villagers for the financial year 2009-10 for which the maximum amount was Rs.3000. This, according to them,was not even 1% of the total damages caused by wild animals and further, it was distributed without any assessment. This time also it is informed by them that department has not sent anyone to assess the damage even after their complaints.
With agriculture their only source of income the villagers say they had cooperated with the government when the area was notified as a bird sanctuary and they expect cooperation on the part of the government too at this time. The disinterest on the part of the concerned department, they say, has left them disappointed. Furthermore, the area is a drought prone region and the people have to work extra hard for a living through farming and agricultural activities. They inform that in view of this particular problem they had also suggested to the department that Ahley Khet be used for cultivation of food for the animals but this suggestion has been ignored so far.
Today 40% of the land is barren and this is due to the encroachment of wild animals. If this attitude of department continues then the people of the area will stop farming, they fear
 However they inform that they would approach the department once again and seekimmediate action and compensation; in the event that the department does not respond they will take necessary action.
Among the most damaged areas are Lower Kitam, Belbotey, Manpur, Compound and Baseny while areas like Goam and Upper Kitam have suffered damages to a lesser extent.
DFO Wild Life, South could not be contacted despite several attempts. ACF Wild Life Namchi when contacted stated that the department has received a verbal complaint from the villagers but it was not in writing. He further said that the department has been sanctioned with Rs. 2 lacs for the entire South District to provide compensation for just such kind of damages which could never cover the total losses of the villagers. In the meantime he accepted that the population of the wild animals had increased in the Kitam Bird Sanctuary and was going out of control. He also accepted that the damages were caused due to the encroachment of such wild animals in the field of local farmers.

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