
Thursday, October 20, 2011

CM and Sakya Trizin unveil Ngor Gumpa’s progression into Faculty of Higher Buddhist Studies

Sa-Ngor Chotshog Centre celebrates golden jubilee
GANGTOK, 19 Oct: The golden jubilee celebration of the Sa-Ngor Chotshog Centre [SNCC] here was held with prayers and blessings at the SNCC complex today with the Chief Minister, Pawan Chamling, present as the chief guest. The supreme head of the Sakya sect of Tibetan Buddhism, Sakya Trizin, is also in Sikkim to lead the celebrations. The centre was opened in 1961.
On the occasion, the CM and the Sakya Trizin jointly unveiled the plaque of the proposed SNCC Faculty of Higher Buddhist Studies at the Ngor Gumpa.
In his address, the Sakya Trizin mentioned that the centre has been working in the preservation and promotion of Buddhist Studies and due to the hard work of promoters and well wishers of the Centre, it was on its way to become a full-fledged monastic school now.
On the recent earthquake, Sakya Trizin expressed hope that the prayers being conducted in and outside Sikkim will help the State recover from the setback at the earliest. He also expressed hope that all affected recover strong from the material and emotional losses.
He also commended the Chief Minister and his government for undertaking ‘outstanding work’ in Sikkim in promoting the State’s sacred character and promoting spiritual tourism. He appreciated the various completed and ongoing projects in this line in the state. 
Addressing the function, the CM expressed his gratitude on behalf of the Sikkimese people to the Sakya Trizin for his continuing service to humanity and in spreading the essential message of dharma and helping establish Sikkim as a seat of ancient learning in the Indian sub-continent.
He also pointed out that the day was a landmark occasion in the history of the monastery, which started with a few monks fifty years ago and was now was a full fledged institution.
The CM mentioned that there are about 800 religious institutions of different faiths of which, about 350 are Buddhist Institutions and about 100 monastic schools in Sikkim.
He informed that the government has commissioned a 135 feet tall statue of Guru Rinpoche, the tallest in the world, and similar projects like the Buddha statue at Ravangla and Chenrezig statue at Sangacholing are being developed and the more recent project being sanctioned is a large statue of a reclining Buddha in North Sikkim.
The CM mentioned that as a unique State, the only one with an exclusive Ecclesiastical Department, Sikkim was a meeting point of all religious practices, different faiths, cultures and traditions.
He added that with a large number of religious institutions belonging to different ethnic communities, Sikkim forms a premiere seat of Buddhist studies in the country.
“The State Government is extending a wide range of incentives, including grant of scholarships, free uniforms, books and annual subsidy to children in Monastic Schools and Sanskrit Pathshalas across the State,” he informed.
The government is trying to include a number of cultural and natural heritage of Sikkim in the national and world heritage lists, he informed, adding that cultural centres and community bhawans for all ethnic communities are being constructed all over the State to promote community activities on a regular basis.
“This Centre is regularly supported by the State Government by providing assistance to monastic schools, annual contingent grant and mid-day meal etc. The efforts of the Sa-Ngor Chotshog in setting up this Centre has a great role to play for the overall well being of all people. This will ultimately contribute to the creation of universal peace and harmony amongst the people of different nations,” he said.
The CM mentioned that the recent earthquake had damaged many of our religious institutions including many ancient monasteries, temples, churches.
“However, I firmly believe that Sikkim and our god-fearing citizens have been rescued by the Almighty from being thoroughly devastated, causing relatively minor casualties by the potentially powerful earthquake,” he expressed.
He stated that now Sikkim is moving ahead with huge responsibility to rebuild and reconstruct all properties and heritage buildings and the State Government has already made a commitment to rebuild all the damaged monasteries and other religious institutions in Sikkim to their original forms.
Seeking the blessings and prayers of the Sakya Trizin, he expressed confidence in bringing back and further strengthening the glory of Sikkim.
The Speaker, KT Gyaltsen, who is also the area MLA, congratulated the SNCC for celebrating the golden jubilee of the centre. Speaking on the earthquake devastation, he stressed that is was the duty and responsibility of each individual to work towards rebuilding Sikkim and to make Sikkim a model state in the country.
The function was also addressed by Thartse Khen Rinpoche and Luding Dorje Chang among others. The Sakya Trizin also released the golden jubilee souvenir on the occasion while the founder of SNCC, Khenchen Dorjichang was also felicitated.
The function also included a special prayer for the earthquake victims by the Sakya Trizin, Thartse Khen Rinpoche, Luding Dorje Chang and other monks, followed by Sarva-mangalam prayers.

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