
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Strategic Policing Plan for Sikkim cops

ANAND OBEROIGANGTOK, 31 Aug: With an expressed aim to achieve “excellence in policing” and ensure professionally competent, impartial, motivated and an incorruptible police force which will deal with the present and emerging security challenges to ensure peace and tranquility for unhindered development of the state, the Strategic Policing Plan for Sikkim was presented in the Sikkim Legislative Assembly on 29 August.
An analysis by the force had highlighted areas of weakness in the current policing system and proposed an Annual Policing Sub-plan to address these weaknesses adequately. The Strategic Policing Plan for Sikkim, in its SWOT analysis, records that the weaknesses of the force are the shortage of land and building infrastructure, particularly in respect of residential accommodation and for its armed fore battalions. The lack of parade grounds and firing ranges is also stated as a problem for which maintenance funds have to be commensurate.
Further, the need for capacity building programmes and substantial up-gradation of the special units for developing skills to fight new age crime has also been proposed for necessary consideration. The analysis also points out the need to improve the legal and prosecution support to the police stations and special units.
The lack of office automation and time-consuming manual systems needed to be replaced with computerization and networking, the analysis recommends along with the need for district armed reserves in view of the uncertain road communication and likely increase in unemployment and influx of migrant workers for the many projects being undertaken in the State.
The major weaknesses pointed out are the still awaited “major up-gradation” in intelligence gathering mechanisms of the State Special Branch which also required modern gadgets. The need to fully operate the Specialized Units as provided in the Police Act and the proper establishment of the new IRBn have also been presented as weaknesses in the police force.
A major problem highlighted is the lack of even a Police Manual and appropriate level of annual recruitment to address the problem of large number of vacancies in various ranks, aggravated by bulk retirements considering that large sections of the force were raised with the State’s merger with the union.  
Further, the need for establishing a forensic laboratory, testing of the efficiency of the CCTNS project which is under implementation, upgradation of training facilities, lack of skilled trainers, obtaining expert help in times of crisis, improvement of health standards of the personnel, effective traffic management and strengthening of border patrolling have also been identified as areas which needed immediate attention.
To tackle these existing problems, the Annual Policing Sub Plan 2011-2012 proposes to strengthen the Ramam Check-Post [under Nayabazaar PS], construction of border Check posts under the 13th FC grant, purchase of 80 acres of land at Mangley, South Sikkim and finalization of the blue print plan for the construction of the 2nd and 3rd IRBn headquarters along with office and residential accommodation, firing range etc.
Capacity Building of the BDDS personnel, purchase of one more sniffer dog, repair of the indoor firing stimulator, construction of barracks at the district headquarters and sensitive locations for housing armed police reserves, monitoring early construction of Special Branch Headquarters and fabrication of riot control vehicle and procurement of sufficient quantities of tear gas ammunition, both for training and field use, are also areas which will be focused upon as per the Sub- Plan.
The preparation of Working Manual for the Sikkim Police, finalization of promotion rules, obtaining government sanction for utilization of 13th FC grant and intimidation to concerned authorities for infrastructure development at Police Training Centre, Yangang, residential and non- residential accommodation and reinforcement of existing security infrastructure is also on the list to do’s in the Sub- Plan.
Further, the Sub -Plan also includes the preparation of annual calendar of training for police personnel on the basis of need, introduction of Highway Patrols for NH-31A to start with to check rash and drunken driving and assist tourists along with the initiation of necessary steps as per Central guidelines for the establishment of a forensic lab in the state.
Finalization of System Integrator for the CCTNS project in Sikkim and the amendment of the Sikkim Anti- Drugs Act to empower police officers to send samples for testing to the Central Lab in Guwahati and the revision of the sanctioned strength of the various branches from within the overall police strength as per current requirements and need are also pegged in the Annual Policing Sub- Plan for Sikkim.


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