
Sunday, September 18, 2011


Recently there was a great deal of controversy regarding the Public Order Bill. I am certain that most people are reacting without having read the Bill. I am one such person. Your paper would be doing public service if you could publish this Bill for people to read, understand and react. We have a literacy rate of around 80% and we need to know the truth first hand rather than reactions from vested interests. In this context, I welcome ASESE&UA’s move to hold a debate on this Bill. It’s good that NASS is also participating in this debate. If the SDF Govt. feels that the Bill is good for Sikkim, it should grab this opportunity to debate the issue and convince the people. I urge all right thinking people of Sikkim to participate in the debate. Though I have very little faith in local TV’s independent status, I will still take this opportunity to request them to broadcast this debate (and fairly too).
Like Anna says, Let the People Decide What is Good For Them.
[recvd on email]

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