
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ram and Suman return elated from Bayern Munich training gig in Germany

GANGTOK, 23 Aug: Ram Chettri and Suman Rai of Boy’s Club are back from a coaching camp with the Bayern Munich football club in Germany. The U-14 duo was among six footballers from India selected by the Bayern Munich to train in Germany under a special scheme. Joining them were two players each from Lajong FC and Kolkata.

They were selected at a final screening camp conducted by Bayern Munich in Kolkata on 16 November which had Paul Brettner [World Cup 1974] as the Chief Selector. Of the 45 players shortlisted from all over India, only six were selected for the all-expenses paid coaching camp in Germany.
Ram is a student of class VIII at Arithang JHS while Suman studies in class VIII at Rongneck JHS.
Speaking to media-persons during a practice session at Guards Ground this morning, they informed that they trained with Bayern Munich coaches from 19 to 29 July.
They also got the chance to watch a match between AC Milan and Bayern Munich for the Audi Cup and also stood in as ball-boys in the semi-final match between Barcelona and SC Internacional of the same tournament and attended the final match between Bayern Munich and Barcelona.
They shared that they were very happy and excited to watch players like David Villa, Powell, Muller and other international players along with the players and coaches of Bayern Munich.
They informed that they trained everyday from 10 AM to noon and used to be then taken for sightseeing and town visits to Munich.
The duo shared that they learned many new techniques and skills from the Bayern Munich coaches.
“This golden opportunity has increased our confidence and inspired us to play even better football,” they said.
Midfielder Ram looks up to Frank Lampard as his idol while striker Suman models his game on Fernando Torres.
They informed that they also got the chance to play with the U-14 and U-17 teams of Bayern Munich. They stated that players of the club were fast and technically polished and it was a whole new experience to play with them.
“We were very nervous at first but as days passed we gained more confidence,” they added.
They also mentioned that they have also been teaching techniques and skills learnt during the camp to their friends here.
While sharing their unforgettable moment, both mentioned that it came when they entered the Bayern Munich station for the first time.
The Boy’s Club general secretary, Nima Thendup, mentioned that it was a golden opportunity for local players to meet soccer stars of the world and experienced football at a whole different level with Bayern Munich.
However, he mentioned that it was a short duration camp and it was difficult to learn much but such international exposure helped build confidence in players and also boosted them to do better.
The general secretary mentioned that there are many more talented players in the club, so the club will continue to send its players to different trails around the country. He also informed that the club has also been trying to send of its players to the India Camp through Sikkim Football Association.
The first batch of the Boy’s Club FA started in 2008 and were still with the academy being coached by Chewang Tamang and senior players of the club.
“International exposure for these two young footballers is a major achievement for the Club in a short span of time since its focus is on working with promising talent from economically underprivileged backgrounds,” he adds.

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