
Tuesday, August 9, 2011


The quote that Bhum Chu has no recorded history has portrayed one of the most sacred religious belief and practice of the Buddhist devotees as unrealistic. It has disfigured the religious value and importance of the holy water as being merely a practice having no religious history. But the truth is that the record of Bhum Chu is present with the concern dept. and in the holy books or paycha and it is still found in the Holy Monasteries like Pemayantse (Pelling), Ralong (Ralong), Dupdi monasteries (Yuksum) etc.
Chogyal and three pioneer lamas (who visited Sikkim and the first Chogyal of the kingdom of Sikkim was consecrated in 1641 AD)  are the key witness of the holy Bhum Chu and had lots of contribution towards it. The Norbugang Chorten nearby still has the evidence of the consecration ceremony in the form of stone seats and a footprint of the head lama on a stone.
Scientifically the holy water is purely a water and contain mixture of hydrogen and oxygen atoms. But in religious context it has great miraculous values and the comparison of its miraculous values to the medicinal value of copper vessel is totally against the religious belief and has owed the value of holy water being able to cure sickness due to its storage in the copper vase which has suppressed the religious and spiritual value of the holy water. This statement has destroyed the religious value and the miraculous value of holy water being merely medicinal water due to its storage in copper vase.
If one subject is explained simultaneously with other subject, it implies that both topics are inter related similarly when Bhum Chu a holy practice was explained with the copper vase example it relates that the water is miraculous due to copper vase. The holiness and spiritual importance should not be compared with scientific facts and figures. Science and religions are like a formation without one there is no life; it should always walk in coordination with each other.
The Buddhist followers and the people of Tashiding are not dormant they are spiritually and practically active and for generations they are safeguarding their religious sentiments and are still keeping their practice alive. Young generations are equally active and take a keen interest in religious matters due to which the sensitive matter of Bhum Chu which was being wrongly depicted has been brought forward and seriously opposed.
Your concern regarding the safeguarding of Rathong Chu is a matter of concern for the whole Buddhist community and especially to the people of Tashiding and its protection is vital due to its religious importance and proper legal channels are being formulated to ask the governments cooperation in stopping the project and safeguarding the religious importance of RathongChu.
Religion is a spiritual voice a powerful voice not heard, yet miraculous and yet powerful.  Hence commenting on religious matters requires research and the knowledge of truth as hurting the sentiments of religious followers by wrong depiction is a spiritual sin and an offence.
People of Tashiding

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