
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

SDF reiterates complaints against SU

GANGTOK, 11 July: Sikkim Democratic Front kept is confrontation with the Sikkim University Vice-Chancellor alive today by condemning statements issued by many political and “politically motivated” outfits in support of Vice-Chancellor since the SDF lashed out against it.
The party has alleged that these statements “show all these parties are anti-people and anti-Sikkimese and they are not concerned with the young generation and can go to any length to oppose the pro-people stance of the SDF party”.

 “The commitment to get a Sikkim University was in the party’s first election manifesto in 1994 and with tireless efforts of the CM, who advocated the demand with all concerned authorities, the state finally received the Sikkim Central University despite its small population,” states a press release issued jointed by the SDF spokespersons, Bhim Dahal and PD Rai. A press conference to reiterate the party’s problems with SU was held primarily to placate the Journalist Club of Sikkim which had condemned the party’s move to invite only correspondents representing national paper’s to its last briefing.
The party has highlighted that Sikkim University “is a creation of the government of India at the behest of the SDF party and its leadership for the people of Sikkim”.
On the land acquisition issue, they reiterated that the government has already acquired the land despite the scarcity of land in Sikkim and despite the complications of Old Laws and was presently working on the rehabilitation of 57 affected families, “which is a very sensitive issue”.
Responding to a media queries on why the government was not being able to provide land to the SU but was doing so much faster for hydel projects and other private companies, the SDF spokespersons clarified that the land required for the university was much larger at 300 acres in an inhabited area, whereas for hydel projects, the requirement was lesser [even more so for industries] and mostly along uninhabited valleys. 
“Instead of helping us set up the Kyongsa Degree College and being happy because the investments are from the State Government, they are showing us the rule book,” the spokespersons said on the denial of affiliation to Kyongsa Degree College.
On challenges to the SDF party’s allegation that no locals find place in the governing body of the university, the party clarified that there was only an ex-officio representation in the form of the HRDD Secretary in the executive council of the university and pointed out that apart from this ex-officio presence, the university had not thought it necessary to staff any other Sikkimese in the executive and academic councils of the SU, they added.

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear that the Secy HRDD is member of the Executive Council of SU...but will they tell us how many meetings has any of the Secretaries attended so far.....and how proactively are they involved in the happenings of SU!! If they would only attend any one of such meetings then the Govt wud not be in this sorry state of being affiliated to a pvt. University!!! the rules and regulations wud have been clear to the Govt also and they wud have preempted such a situation and worked for a better affiliation than what they have in their basket now...instead of being at logger heads with the Unversity officials why can't they simply follow rules....or has it become the habit of the Sikkimese to flout rules and be molly coddled by the Centre on every issue that they expect it from every one!!!!


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