
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Parliamentary Committee visit expedites high-speed microwave link for telecom services

GANGTOK, 07 July: “The visit of the parliamentary standing committee on Information & Technology was a fruitful one and overall very successful. I am sure that many positive outcomes will follow after this visit,” said Lok Sabha, Member of Parliament PD Rai at a press briefing today. He was speaking about the 3-day visit of the parliamentary committee to Sikkim recently.

Elaborating the outcome of the visit, the MP shared that a high-speed microwave link via Kalimpong has been commissioned which will enhance broadband and 3-G services in the state. “Now there will be enough capacity for these services to be better. BSNL had shown interest towards this development three days before the arrival of the committee to Sikkim. Unlike the previous fiber optic lines, the new microwave line will revolutionize internet connectivity and services in Sikkim,” explained the MP.
Another development of the high profile visit was the introduction of new BTS towers at Serathang and Nathula which will make internet and mobile connectivity in the area possible in a few days time. The road conditions in the area which is a serious problem shall also be highlighted by the committee at the Centre, it was informed.
“What the new development in microwave link has done for the state is that now the BPO industry in my opinion will get a big push forward. With a new reliable link, we will be able to take our BPO sector to another level now,” informed Mr. Rai today.
He also informed that a State Wide Area Network [SWAN] starting from the BDO level shall be setup soon. During the parliamentary committee visit, even SWAN was commissioned for all BDOs in the state which means all the offices in the state will be interconnected through broadband internet service.
The committee has also declared heritage status for Rangpo and Rhenock post offices.
“We have played this very strategically since the committee got a firsthand experience on the scenario in the state. Be it the bad state of roads leading to Nathula or the lack of mobile and internet connectivity, the members were part of the entire experience. What this will do is facilitate backing and support for our demands at the centre,” explained Mr. Rai.

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