
Friday, July 1, 2011

Officials urged to be ‘duty conscious’ not protocol sensitive

NAMCHI, 30 June: Chief Minister Pawan Chamling completed the South district leg of his village-to-village tour of Sikkim with a review meeting of the findings and schemes and projects sanctioned for the district during his tour. The meeting held in indoor gymnasium hall was attended by Ministers, MLAs, Heads of Departments and district officials.
Urging the government officials to be ‘duty conscious’ and not ‘protocol conscious’ the CM asked them to work diligently for the implementation of the schemes and projects sanctioned during his tour.

Stating that the mission of the State Government was the creation of a better future for the Sikkimese people, the CM said that he wants to lay a clear course of comprehensive development and well-being for the state.
He further said that a mindset change among some government officers and staff so that they realised their responsibilities towards the people was still the biggest challenge for the state.
“It is the common man who owns Sikkim, we are their servants and together we can create a prosperous Sikkim,” said the CM asking the government officials to work towards making the people of the state self reliant. He further said that many government policies have lapsed which needs to rectified.
Urban areas should be slum-free and provided with proper sanitation, quality water supply, trained urban bodies, green spaces, the CM stressed, addressing the UD&HD officials. Stating that he has a vision of attracting 1 crore tourists to Sikkim annually, he added that in the next 5-Year Plan, tourism will be given top priority.
He also said that due to lack of responsible tourism, the tourism industry in the state was not gathering momentum the way it should. Further, he mentioned that overcharging by drivers and tour operators was damaging the image of growing tourism in Sikkim.
Asking the departments to work responsibly with adequate checks and balances, he directed them to support the educated unemployed youth in the field of tourism and provide them with licenses to run tourism related businesses. Further, he directed the tourism department to submit project reports on the recent tourism related demands at the earliest.
All the funds for the construction of a ropeway at Namchi from Mahatma Gandhi Park towards Samdruptse have been released by the government and work should be completed within this year, the CM further directed.
The Irrigation and Flood Control Department was asked to draw an estimate of the damages caused during this monsoon which would be sanctioned from the NC fund immediately. The CM also said that a permanent solution should be found for the jhoras of Sikkim and stressed on ‘people-centric’ work rather than ‘contractor directed’ undertakings.
The HRDD was advised to act immediately upon the recent public demands and give preference to the demands of playgrounds and other basic needs. Priority is to be given to quality education in the 12th Five-Year Plans, said the CM further stressing that the government is only a policy maker and proper implementation remains in the hands of the concerned departments.
He directed the RM&DD to take immediate action on the numerous complaints received during his recent visit and submit an action taken report to his office. He asked the Forest department to provide NOCs to non-polluting industries and give preference to those based on natural resources, raw material based, agro organic based.
Regarding the land bank scheme, he directed the department to see to it that the scheme was properly implemented and funds sanctioned for the schemes utilized within the financial year. Four VLO Centres, one in each district, should be constructed within this year, he added.
Stating that the Power department was a major revenue collecting department, he expressed dissatisfaction over the lack of action despite his direction to the department to provide proper training to linesmen and meter readers.
He asked the Animal Husbandry Department to give preference to livestock and poultry raised within the state rather than obtaining it from outside for distribution among the beneficiaries in the state. He also directed the department to meet the demands of milk products, meat and poultry locally.
He further informed that Income tax exemption had been given to the Sikkim Subject holders but this was being misused by some of the non locals who were availing of this facility by sub-letting the Sikkim Subjects of the locals. This according to him has come to the notice of Central Government and is posing a threat to the tax exemption awarded for the Sikkimese.
In this regard, he directed the Additional Chief Secretary to look upon the matter seriously and to stop the sub letting.
Responding to the demands placed by DC South earlier, the CM sanctioned the reconstruction of the Community Hall hereand directed the Planning Department to provide new vehicles to the touring officers especially of the districts who were using vehicles that were over 10 years old.
The programme had started earlier with a welcome address by DC south AK Singh followed by the presentation of a souvenir to the Chief Minister by the South District Administration as a token of appreciation for the support extended.
UD&HD presented a power point presentation of the proposed extension of the central park at Namchi for which Secretary UD&HD gave the introductory note. The programme ended with vote of thanks delivered by ADC South SL Rai.

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