
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Committee to recommend entertainment tax rules for cable operators

GANGTOK, 07 July: To examine and sort out the rate of entertainment tax to be raised from cable television operators in Sikkim with reference to the entertainment tax being levied in other states, the State Government has reconstituted a Committee headed by Additional Secretary, UD&HD as its Chairman. This was notified on 17 June by effecting partial supersession of Notification No.671/UD&HD, dated: 12.06.2010.
Other members of the committee include a representative from Finance Revenue & Exp. Department, representative from Law Department, Joint Secretary (I), UD & HD, Deputy Secretary (Amusement Tax), UD & HD and Under Secretary (Amusement Tax), UD & HD.

The terms of reference of the Committee as per the Notification include to study the rate of entertainment tax levied on cable TV operators in Sikkim with reference to the rate in other states and also to suggest viable measures for better revenue generation “beneficial to all concerned”.
The Notification also directs the Committee to submit its report within two months to the Government.
Similarly, the Government, through another Notification has appointed the District Collectors of the four districts as Authorized Officers within the area of their jurisdiction as Section 2 (a) of Cable Network (Regulation) Act, 1995 to ensure effective monitoring of quality of service regulations of Cable TV Services so as to protect the interest of the consumers.

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