
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

‘Commitment to work for the people still as strong as 18 years ago’

GANGTOK, 26 July: “I have been using the power given to me by the people responsibly for the benefit and welfare of the State and its people. After 18 years on the job, your trust and endorsement keeps me committed to the task and I want to make things even better in Sikkim,” shared Chief Minister Pawan Chamling at Assam Lingzey Senior Secondary School ground today, the 33rd day of his village-to-village tour of the State when he toured Shyari and Namchebong constituencies of East Sikkim.

Power, he highlighted, if it fell into the wrong hands could unravel what had been secured in the past 18 years and thanked the people for having consistently supported him in his plans for the State.
Earlier, after a grand welcome by the people and students led by the area MLA, KT Gyaltsen, at Chandmari, the made his first halt was at Chongay Primary School and then at Rizey and Namok under Shyari constituency before entering Namcheybong.
Speaking to the people, the CM stressed that the government was now pursuing time-bound programmes for set targets.
He detailed that the government’s target for the year 2015 was to complete all infrastructure development works underway and make Sikkim an economically self-sufficient state or skilled and employable youth force, advanced tourism and quality basic amenities for every person here.
As for the demands submitted by the people, he mentioned that these will be sanctioned in two phases, with the first phase release in September itself.
The Namcheybong tour began with a reception at Pastanga Gaucharan led by the Namcheybong MLA, BB Rai, at Pastanga.
At his next halt at Assam Lingzey Senior Secondary School, the CM sanctioned the demand of introduction of Science and Commerce streams and directed that if enough students were there, then classes should be started immediately.
He also sanctioned the demand of an auditorium and commissioned repairs at the school. He also approved other demands of the area and directed the departments to start working on preparing the estimates.
The CM also announced that an Assam Lingzey Bazaar will be established and that funds for it will be included in the supplementary funds requisition to be tabled in the Monsoon Session of the Assembly.
He also sanctioned the demand to build a statue in the area and asked the people to first unanimously decide on which God’s statue they wanted.
“The culture, tradition, lifestyle, professions, food habits and natural resources of the area should be included as tourism promotion assets,” he advised.
The CM shared that the government wants to develop Pabyuk-Naitam as an Animal Husbandry Zone and that related programmes and works will be taken up now.
On the same, he informed that the government wants to make Sikkim a self-sufficient state in animal husbandry within three years and that such focused development will help achieve this target.
Responding to a complaint on payments delays suffered by contractors, the CM directed the concerned departments to make provisions to clear all such pending bills of village contractors by September.
“None of the demands collected during my tour will be forgotten of lost. These demands will be compiled and published in a book which will be tabled in the Assembly and then sent to different departments and Panchayats and the people can keep track of the status of their demands,” he informed.
At his last halt at Namcheybong Gram Prashashan Kendra, the CM stressed that the government has worked for the protection and development of every community and with this conscious effort, ensured peace, security and momentous development.
“Even after the protection and development of every community, if someone opposes the government and rakes communal issues, then it should be obvious to all that such protests are personal and divisive,” he said. 

1 comment:

  1. congratulations to the HCM ...he is working but are the bureaucrats under him read to move with his vision! After 18 years at the helm of affairs , he sudden feels the need to go to the people directly- what made him do and why. Obvious he realised that there was a leaking hole some where !!! and that his vision wasnt getting implemented !!! wake up call for the Govt officers of Sikkim - shameful that the CM has to go door to door to know the plight of the ppl.


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