
Thursday, July 7, 2011

ASESEUA protests backdoor regularization at Building & Housing Department

GANGTOK, 06 July: The All Sikkim Educated Self-Employed and Unemployed Association [ASESEUA] has criticized the manner in which “some bureaucrats and people in power” are pulling strings to get their candidates into government service. As per the organization this nepotism and favoritism has now created a situation where eligibility no longer seems a criteria for employment in the state.

At a press conference here in the capital today, Navin Kiran, president, ASEUSA accused the State Government of making appointments to regular posts through back door. He Contended today that a few of “near and dear ones” of the influential persons ,who may not get through the normal channels for regular appointments, are first appointed on Muster Roll and then gradually moved into the regular posts, without  the vacancies being publicly advertised as required by law.
In this regard he cited the example of a new case at the Buildings & Housing department where a lady was employed as a Draftsman without any notice for employment being published. No exams or interviews held, no public notices, nothing was held before the lady was appointed to the post recently, he alleges. The concerned Secretary is said to have told the ASEUSA representatives today that he “did not have any idea” as to how the lady was appointed into the department.
“We wanted to clear this issue so we went to the Secretary and asked him about it. The Secretary seemed shocked and later acknowledged that a high officer in the department and someone from a big political backing had made arrangements for the appointment. This is the way things are done in Sikkim which is very sad,” stated the ASESEUA president.
Also at the press conference were unemployed youth who have completed the ITI training from Rangpo and are qualified draftsmen. The representatives were disappointed about the entire issue said, “We have to study and train for two years and when we finish no post is created which makes our training useless. In between, the department, without creating any posts, appoints people on their own whims and fancies so what is the use for the ITI which takes out 16 new professionals every year? How does the government react to this? Professionals are coming out specifically for this post and no post has been created in the past 7-10 years, this is totally unfair to us.” 
The ASEUSA president further demanded an immediate check on this tendency, and demanded the dismissal of those appointed in this illegal manner to regular posts. He stressed that the Muster Roll appointments in the State are being made despite a Supreme Court ruling banning such appointments. Mr.Pradhan demanded that if the Government feels the need to have more manpower, it should go make regular appointments.
It was also informed today, that the association was also going to organize a seminar on the Right to Information Act and highlight the Do’s and don’ts of the Act by the end of this month. “The RTI is being misused, thus we want to shed light on the methods one can use to make the best use of this Act,” said Jigmee Wangchuk, Legal advisor, ASEUSA.

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