
Friday, June 10, 2011

Sikkim BJP wants officers to be in station during its village-to-village tour

GANGTOK, 08 June: Bharatiya Janata Party’ Sikkim unit has announced plans to undertake a village-to-village tour of its own starting 12 June and has written to the Chief Secretary asking him to “ensure us that concerned government officials are present and enlighten us on any doubt raised during our visit to the villages”.
The Sikkim BJP president, Padam Bahadur Chettri, in his letter to the CS dated today, adds, “Absence or unconcern on the part of the government officials will make us realize their irresponsibility.”
The letter has also sought that the State administration ensure “personal security” to the touring BJP team.
The tour, he informs, follows from the BJP’s national executive meeting held recently in Lucknow where it was decided to access the development works at the GPU level, Primary Health Centres and Lower Primary Schools and “point out corruption and malpractices in the centrally sponsored schemes in these areas”.

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