
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sayapatri Samaj hosts “environment and pollution control” prog at Namcheybong

GANGTOK, 17 June [IPR]: The Sayapatri Samaj Sudhar Sangha of Middle Namchebong, Pakyong, East Sikkim organised an awareness programme, sponsored by the State Pollution Control Board and the Forest Department, on “Environment and Pollution  Control” on 15 June at the Sayapatri Kunj.
The programme was presided over by Devendra Chettri, ACF, BAC Rhenock as the chief guest and SP Bhutia R.O (T), Pakyong along with HC Pradhan, Joint Director, Horticulture, PK Subba, Deputy Director, Horticulture, Thom Tsh. Bhutia, BO (T) Ranipol as special guest and was attended by the local gentry and members of the Sangh.

The chief guest, in his address, highlighted the need for active participation of every individual to preserve natural resources and check pollution to meet the threat of global warming.
He said that the pollution control should be started at individual homes by keeping the surroundings clean and emphasized the consequences of nature imbalance if mass deforestation was allowed.
The RO, Mr. Bhutia, and the Horticulture Joint Director, Mr.. Pradhan, also spoke at length on the impact of pollution.
Dhurba Kr Pradhan, general secretary of the Sangh, highlighted the aims and objectives of the Sangh and activities undertaken thus far. On behalf of the Sangh, he thanked the SPCB, specially Dr. Gopal Pradhan, Chief Scientist, SPCB, for sponsoring the programme and said that the Sangh was looking forward for similar support on an annual basis.
The Sangh members along with local residents then undertook a plantation drive and weeding of old plantations and flower gardens around the Sayapatri Kunj.
Earlier, DK Basnett, Joint Secretary of the Sangh, welcomed the guests and the programme concluded with a vote of thanks proposed by PK Subba, Deputy Director, Horticulture who is also the advisor of the Sangh.

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