
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

MoEF unaware of hydel projects proposed on Rathong Chu, SIBLAC contends

GANGTOK, 29 June: Sikkim Bhutia Lepcha Apex Committee [SIBLAC] today released copies of a letter from the Ministry of Environment & Forests informing that while the Lethang hydel project has been rejected by the Standing Committee of the NBWL of the MoEF, this Ministry, without whose go ahead no hydel projects can be undertake, is not even aware of the 99MW Ting-Ting and 97 MW Tashiding HEP coming up on Rathong Chu. This, despite the fact that public hearings have been held for these projects.

The SIBLAC general secretary, PT Lepcha, in a press release issued today, informs that the organisation, in a meeting held today under the chairmanship of its convenor Tseten Tashi Bhutia, decided to make public the letter received by him from Spalzes Angmo, Member NC for Minorities.
“…as mentioned in Minister’s letter, Ministry of Environment & Forest is not aware of above two projects till date is a shock news for all of us. In-fact SIBLAC has already replied and is in touch with the Ministry,” the release states while reiterating that SIBLAC was opposed to the project on this holy river and alleges that “works are still going on at the site of Holy Rathong Chu River and its vicinity”.
SIBLAC has appealed to all concerned, including the project developers and SPDC, to stop all project related works immediately.

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