
Monday, June 27, 2011

Kitam complains against Forest Deptt lethargy in supporting conservation efforts

NAMCHI, 26 June: The people of Kitam in South Sikkim, the village which also a bird sanctuary named after it, had gathered to invest 10 Minutes to Earth yesterday and also took the opportunity to lash out against what they allege to be Forest Department’s lethargy in supporting the people’s initiatives to institutionalise better conservation efforts in the area. Their area MLA, Tulsi Devi Rai, also seconded their protests.
The occasion was the 10 Minutes to Earth observance organised by the Munal Club in the Kitam Bird Sanctuary premises.

While addressing the occasion, the Munal Club president, KN Pradhan, highlighted that the Club has worked hard to restore the depleted forest cover of the bird sanctuary and also promoted awareness about the protected area at the local and international levels.
The sanctuary is being protected, he said, even in the face of local resentment at times because of the stricter enforcement of rules and regulations. The area, which used to suffer from frequent forest fires, is now much better managed, with the Club even setting up a Rs. 20,000 cash award for information on  culprits who intentionally started forest fires in the area. The Club has also been planting fruit-bearing trees in the forest to bring the birds back, he added.
Despite these efforts, the Wildlife Division of the Forest Department in the district has been intentionally delaying the setting up of a Nature Interpretation Centre in the area. This, despite the project having already been sanctioned for the Bird sanctuary.
This project, he informed, had been endorsed by both, the present as well as the past MLA for implementation by the Munal Club, but the Department’s officers have consistently obstructed its clearance, he alleged. Not only would the Club ensure proper implementation, but the funds received would also go a long way towards supplementing the Club’s finances, he said.
MLA Ms. Rai also endorsed the work being done by Munal Club and slammed the Forest Department for the mismanagement. She also remarked that the kind of plantation being done by Munal Club should have been done instead by the Forest Department.
On the complaints against the Department, she agreed that the Department has the funds but lacks the attitude to serve the people genuinely. Stating that the Nature Interpretation Centre for the Bird Sanctuary at Kitam was sanctioned after she herself went to the concerned Minister and Secretary, she added that the DFO (W/L), South Sikkim, was delaying it intentionally.
She also recorded her dissatisfaction with the trees planted by the Forest Department and suggested that the Forest Department’s South District Territorial division was presenting inflated bills.
The programme was also addressed by KB Pradhan, former President Munal Club, Tilok Kr. Mukhia, ACF Wildlife, CB Subba, Chief Advisor Munal Club and Roshan Kaushik of Lakshya (NGO) on Dhara Vikas.
On the occasion, the Club felicitated meritorious students of the area and handed over Rs. 5000 to each them - Sanju Dhamala, Sabina chettri, Rejina Subba and Naren Chettri.
Marking the 10 Minutes to Earth effort, more than 500 fruit and flowering plants were planted in sanctuary.

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