
Monday, June 6, 2011


“Quality completion needs monitoring by people as well”
GANGTOK, 03 June: The Chief Minister interacted with the residents of Namphok, Mengley, Sripatam, Samrok, Satam, Yangyang and surrounding villages on the tenth day of his village-to-village tour today under Rangang-Yangyang constituency.
On his first halt at Namphok Secondary School, he assured the people of fulfilling all the demands placed today. He also directed the concerned departments to ensure quality work and complete projects on scheduled.
In this regard, he also urged the people to support the departments in implementing the projects and keep works under close monitoring to ensure quality which will ensure creation of sustainable infrastructure.
The Chief Minister also directed the Heads of Departments to initiate disciplinary action wherever negligence was causing compromises in quality.

He highlighted that the government itself was arriving at the doorsteps of the people and urged them to take full advantage of this opportunity to air all their grievances and submit all their demands and aspirations.
He also rued that a handful “reactionary” instigators were spreading unsubstantiated rumours and canards in an attempt to mislead the people. Such groups were serving only their selfish interests and were not interested in serving the people, he said, while calling on the people not to fall in such traps.
At his next halt at Sripatam Junior High School, the Chief Minister directed the HoDs to delegate their manpower properly by transferring excess staff to villages which were under-staffed. He specified that all PHCs, PHSCs, VLO Centres, BACs, schools and other government centers in the rural areas should be adequately staffed at all times.
“The government wants to reach all the urban facilities to rural areas, so excess staff in urban areas should be immediately transferred to rural pockets,” he said.
Focusing on education at his third halt of the day, at Samrok JHS, the Chief Minister urged parents to ensure that their children received all the benefits and opportunities earmarked for them by the State Government.
He highlighted that the State Government is committed to deliver quality education in government schools by providing students all required facilities and reminded them of the special scholarship scheme which has been instituted to hone the competitive edge of Sikkim’s young. All these, he stressed, will require the full involvement of parents and guardians.
On his final halt at Yangyang Senior Secondary School, the Chief Minister mainly spoke to the students, seeking to encourage and motivate them to concentrate on their studies and aspire to become true achievers who will take Sikkim to new levels of development when they inherits its reins.
He mentioned that now a Central University was also coming to their area and such access and opportunities should motivate them to aim high and pursue specialization in whatever stream they choose.
The CM announced that the government was pursuing a vision to bring education here to quality international level in 10 years and if the support from the people was more forthcoming, then this vision will turn to reality even sooner.
On the various demands placed at the various halts, he assured that all the demands will be taken up on priority basis. On demands the demand for upgradation of the school at different venues, the Chief Minister informed that the government has taken a policy decision not to upgrade any school for at least two years during which the complete focus will be on improving the quality of the existing infrastructure and services.

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