
Monday, June 13, 2011

BRO completes phase-I works on Mangan roads, awaits NOC’s to continue work

MANGAN, 12 June: The RCC (107) GREF OC, Sunil Kumar, informs that the organization has completed the first phase of work on the Mangan Bazaar highway which had the roads converted to RCC concrete topping. This means that 60 percent of the work has been completed. Work has remained suspended for the past three days since some of the official NOC’s required for work to continue have not been received from some State Government Departments thus far. The remaining work will be completed once these NOC’s are received, the OC informs.
He further shared that GREF plans to deliver proper road development works for Mangan bazaar but will need the public, Mangan Nagar Panchayats and the administration’s support and coordination to carry on the works with “minor problems” settled across the table since highway development works will benefit everyone in the future.    

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