
Friday, May 6, 2011

Workshop trains ‘frontline staff’ on scientific forest management

GANGTOK, 05 May: A three-day workshop to train “frontline staff” of the Forest Department on “Scientific Forest Management” began today with Minister Forest, Bhim Dhungel as chief guest.
PCCF-cum-Secretary, ST Lachungpa, addressed the gathering and highlighted several aspects of the new forest management regime.
An official press release informs that Mr Lachungpa said, “Over a period of 100 years of forestry in Sikkim the state has witnessed some major developments in the Forestry sector. It was the 10th Chogyal of Sikkim, Sidkeong Tulku, who introduced the concept of Scientific Management of forest resources by establishing the Forest Department. Since then the Department has shown incremental progress in the management of forests as is evident with the increase in forest cover of the state of Sikkim. Now we are witnessing a major overall “paradigm shift” in Forest Management with the introduction of the concept of “Working Plan”. 

A working plan is an extensive document, it is a written scheme of management aiming at continuity of policy and action, and controlling the treatment of forests. The treatment depends on the objective to be achieved. It may be economical, protective or for aesthetic purpose. When a forest is being brought under the Working Plan for the first time it is divided into convenient administrative units called “Compartments”. The compartments are generally designated by Arabic numerals and have, as far as possible, natural or artificial or permanently maintained boundaries. The size of the compartment is decided taking into consideration the total population of the area, vulnerability of the forest area against encroachment, other biotic and abiotic factors etc. Hence each compartment has a map, history and other details of the area like vegetation etc. A special compartment within the Panchayat area is also formed for management of private forest area. The state of Sikkim has been divided into over 200 compartments. 2-3 compartments form a “Beat” and a forest guard will be in charge of each beat. This system of management will lead to effective implementation and transparency of the national and international projects being implemented Sikkim.
To implement and facilitate this bold new step of reorientation of the forest management, 143 forest guards were trained at Sikkim Armed Police, Pangthang and Police Training Center, Yangang. These forest guards were trained on specially prepared modules to mould them into modern scientific guardians and managers of natural resources.
The main objective of this workshop is to impart a refresher course to the senior frontline staff of the Forest department namely Head Forest Guards, Block Officers and Range Officers so that they become conversant with the recent developments. It is also to sensitize and create awareness on newer and improved policies, research works and techniques.
Such capacity building of the frontline staff is essential because they serve as an important linkage between the Department and the villagers. Such training will enable development of an efficient and effective medium for the delivery of Forestry Services to the public at large.
Further, several other new developments at both national and international level on the subject of forestry and environment like the Study on Climate Change, Study on Carbon Sequestration, Study on Glacial and Climate Change Adaptation, National Vegetation Carbon Pool Assessment, Conservation of Bio-diversity, demarcation of forest land, critical wildlife habitats, eco-sensitive zones, Conservation of flagship species habitat, management of PAs,inscription process of the Khanchenzonga Biosphere Reserve into the World Heritage Site list etc necessitates that we have scientifically  trained manpower for management of our resources.
Forest plays an important role in the lives of the people of Sikkim. The department is working hard towards developing a people centric, participatory mode of conservation of forest and our natural wealth. Steps like posting of senior forest guards in Block Administrative Centres, is to provide services at the doorstep of the general public.
On similar lines projects like FDA, IWDP, IWMP, JICA assisted SBFP Project and Sericulture which adopts a participatory approach to conservation of forest and its natural resources is aimed at poverty alleviation of the local people. This is also a step towards implementation of the Chief Ministers 100 Days Programme.”
The Minister, Forest, in his address highlighted the importance of the frontline staff being well informed on the latest developments in the field of forestry in order to be more efficient in their workings, the release informs.
“We should aim at protecting forest as well as support positive development. The forest officers have a big responsibility towards fellow human beings and we should strive to work towards providing maximum benefit to the common man”, he expressed.
He advised all to be dedicated and sincere in their work and stressed on the importance of the role of the Head Forest Guards in the Forest Department.
“The senior forest guards should serve as a role model for the newly recruited guards. They are the most important medium of communication between the public and the Department and works like Green Mission, ten minutes to greenery and other works can only be successful if the forest guards take the sole responsibility of creating awareness amongst the general public” he added.
He appealed to all, to work on lines of modern and scientific forestry and contribute substantially for the overall improvement of Forestry in Sikkim, the release mentions. The Minister informed that for the welfare of the Forest Guards monetary contribution from the Minister and PCCF has already been made.
The Minister further appealed to all people’s representatives and the people of Sikkim to fully support the implementation of this new and improved scientific method of Forest Resource Management. 
The workshop will conclude on 07 May. 

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