
Friday, May 6, 2011

Nathula thaws for border trade resumption

GANGTOK, 05 May: The annual business event, the Indo-China border trade over Nathula, began yesterday, two days after the official date for re-opening owing to the bad weather conditions. Trading was otherwise scheduled to begin on Monday.
The Nathula border trade with Tibetan Autonomous Region, was scheduled to have begun on 02 May, Monday, but was held up due to heavy snowfall over the weekend and landslides which blocked out access till Wednesday.
According to immigration officials, although traders from both sides made their respective journeys to Serathang [in Sikkim] and Rinchengang [in Tibet] on 04 May, no trading has taken place thus far.
Yesterday, 52 traders from Tibet came over to Serathang and 10 from Sikkim travelled to Rinchengang.
This was to be a one-day respite, with no crossovers reported today.

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