
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bhutia Kay-rab Tsogpo seeks introduction of language classes for Limboo, Lepcha and Bhutia in all schools in Sikkim

NAMCHI, 03 May: The Bhutia Kay-rab Yargay Tsogpo has resolved to appeal for the introduction of classes for three indigenous languages viz. Bhutia, Limboo and Lepcha in schools across the State in their annual meeting held at Namchi Senior Secondary School on Sunday.
The meeting was presided over by organisation’s president, Padma Shree Norden Tshering Gensarpa, who said that language teachers have certain responsibilities to promote the language and encourage students through innovative modes of teaching. He added that the linguistic identity was the fundamental right of every community and the Government should give due attention to promote and preserve this identity.
The South district president of the organisation, Ringzing Sherap Bhutia, presented the welcome address and tabled the annual report of the South district wing of the association and emphasized the need to promote and preserve their language.

General secretary, PR Lama, in turn, stressed the need to make the language teaching and learning process more effective and improving listening, reading and writing skills among students and further asked teachers to write text books and articles. Joint Director, Language, Tashi Bhutia, expressed serious concern over language readers and their enrolment in schools and advised encouraging students to learn the languages.
General secretary, North District, Yeshi Rigzin Bhutia, president, East, Namdol Bhutia, and president, West, Norbu Tshering, also addressed the gathering and placed their views and suggestions to increase enrolment and make language classes interactive and creative through different innovative methods.
The meeting also adopted a resolution to make an appeal to the concerned department for the introduction of Bhutia, Lepcha and Limboo languages in private and public schools in collaboration with the central board of education. A joint application with the reference of Central notification will be shortly circulated to the principals of private public schools which have been duly signed by the President of Bhutia, Lepcha and Limboo associations.
While participating in group discussions, Ngodup Bhutia of Gumpa Ghurpisey spoke against corporal punishment in schools and said that the medium of teaching should also be in its concerned language. Similarly, Chedup Bhutia of Gumpa Ghurpisey said that the present enrolment of language learners was disheartening.
Meanwhile, due to the recent transfer of the South district president, Ringzing Sherap Bhutia, the organization unanimously elected Sonam Ongchuk Bhutia as the new president for the district. The meeting concluded with the vote of thanks presented by its Vice President, Tashi Rinzing Bhutia.
The organizing Committee headed by its outgoing President, extended their heartfelt gratitude to the Principal and Vice Principal of Namchi Sr. Sec. School for their support. The meeting was also attended by Lecturer, Namchi Government College, Thuptan Palzang Bhutia, language teachers of South Sikkim, local gentries and students.

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