
Monday, April 25, 2011

Panchayat Day observed with appeal for more soul searching

GANGTOK, 24 April: The Zilla Adhyaksha [East], Bimal Dawadi, commented today that many of the Panchayats have still not understood the importance of Gram Sabhas and do not have the clear concept about it. Gram Sabhas, he stressed, are platforms to prioritise development projects as per the felt-needs and should hence build consensus on what was necessary and practical to be taken up first. Reducing these meetings to register all demands possible, reduced the effectiveness of delivery and confused priorities, he said.

He also pointed out that many of the Panchayats have not been attending the Gram Sabhas and in some cases, were caught in personal tussles and ego problems which were causing failure of the Gram Sabha in some places.
The Zilla Adhyaksha was speaking as the chief guest on the occasion of the National Panchayat Day celebrations here at the Zilla Panchayat Bhawan conference hall.
“It is more important for the Panchayats to understand the importance of the Gram Sabha first and then they can complain of less attendance and disinterest by the people and line departments,” Mr Dawadi said.
He also advised the Panchayats not to place too many demands in the Gram Sabha but go with the genuine needs and priorities of the area.
Gram Sabhas, he said, should be used to arrive at a consensus on what was more important for the people and then endorsing what was practical and necessary.
He further reminded the gathered Panchayats of completing all pending works within 100 days as directed by the Chief Minister recently.
The Zilla Adhyaksha also congratulated the panchayat members, government officials and the people of the state on Sikkim receiving the 3rd place in Panchayati Raj in the country and the best in the north-east region.
On the occasion, Panchayats from different parts of east district were invited to share the success stories of Panchayati Raj system in their respective areas and to place their recommendations and suggestions on loopholes in the system to prepare a roadmap for future.
The Panchayat members, in turn, have expressed their dissatisfaction on not receiving the desired cooperation and support from line departments.
They expressed that many of the works passed by the Gram Sabha have not been started because many of the line departments were not showing interest to carry out these works and were not fully supporting decisions taken in the Gram Sabhas.
Panchayats also urged the line departments to offer better coordination for the overall development of the area.
They further informed that public and official attendance was poor for Gram Sabhas, which was a big constraint for the success of the motive of Gram Sabha.
On the same, the panchayat members mentioned that the main reason for the low attendance of villagers was disinterest of the line departments in not commencing works passed in the Gram Sabhas.
During the open discussion, the District Collector [East], D Anandan, responded to the various queries placed by the Panchayats. He also suggested that panchayat members give their recommendations only for genuine cases and to use their powers more responsibly.
The Khamdong BDO also urged the Panchayats not to make Gram Sabhas just ‘demand-based’ meetings but develop it as a forum for need-based demands of the area.
The function was also attended by the Upadhyaksha [East], Asha Bhusal, BDOs and government officials.

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