
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sikkim Solidarity Forum for Gorkhaland meets GJM supporters at Bagrakot and Kumani

Sikkim Solidarity Forum for Gorkhaland members at Sibchu in the Dooars
GANGTOK, 01 March: A delegation of the recently-formed “Sikkim Solidarity Forum for Gorkhaland” called on the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha [GJM] supporters on indefinite hunger strike at Bagrakot on 27 February to record their support and solidarity with Darjeeling’s movement for statehood.
On the way, the delegation also paid homage to three GJM activists killed by West Bengal Police at Sipchu by visiting the spot where the police firing had taken place.

On the request of the GJM members, the chief convenor of the forum, Bharat Basnet, also addressed a GJM meeting at Kumani, said to have been attended by more than 30,000 people and conveyed full support to the statehood demand.
Addressing a press conference today, the convenor of the forum, CC Sangderpa mentioned that the main objective of the visit was to express support and solidarity and to pay homage to the sacrifice made by three GJM supporters at Sipchu.
“This forum is not for any individual interest or to extract political mileage but formed on humanitarian grounds,” Ms Sangderpa stressed.
She reiterated that the demand for Gorkhaland was genuine and that all political and non-political organisations and in fact all the people of Sikkim need to extend their support to the neighbouring hills.
She added that the people of Sikkim have a ‘blood relation’ with the people of Darjeeling and everyone needs to come forward for this cause.


  1. no body raises or voices the true genuine opinion and cause of and for the nepali in this modern materialistic and monotonous time and life. thanks for the throeing a light in this pitch darkness.

  2. nepalis have died are as u see dying........ till when? ask yourselves if not as a nepali but a human.....

  3. SIKKIM FORUM as it was named and formed for the cause of gorkhaland issue reportedly visited sipchu and condoled the martyrs who laid down their life for motherland. But it is very surprising and sad that the member constituted were belonging to discarded outfits of political parties.


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