
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Delhi High Court dismisses BJP petition accusing CM of dual citizenship

GANGTOK, 16 March: The dual citizenship allegations filed against Chief Minister Pawan Chamling by BJP Sikkim-unit president, Padam Bahadur Chettri and Padam Pd. Sharma, in the Delhi High Court was dismissed yesterday, informs an SDF press release.

The party, while welcoming the Court’s decision, has also congratulated the party president on the victory in the court. The party highlights that this is yet another “victory of truth over baseless allegations”.
The release adds that from this defeat in the Court, such leaders should learn a lesson that such opportunistic tricks will never help them strike a political base in Sikkim.
The SDF points out that the BJP had leveled this allegation targeting the 2009 general elections in Sikkim. It was humbled when the people rejected them in the ballot and now the humiliation has been completed with even the Courts showing them the door.
The case was filed in the Delhi High Court in 2008.

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