
Monday, March 7, 2011

Muncipal Officer calls for proper garbage disposal

GANGTOK, 07 March: The Chief Municipal Officer, Gangtok, in a press release, has appealed to the local public to deposit garbage in the designated vehicles directly.
It is known to all individuals and business organizations that all garbage [Municipal Solid Waste] is to be deposited in the garbage vehicles directly. Inspite of this, it has been found that garbage is being dumped at road sides and jhoras, informs the release.
The Gangtok Municipal Corporation which has been entrusted with keeping the city clean views this as a serious problem. Anyone found disposing garbage on the road side or jhoras will be penalized on the spot as per the existing rules, the release further informs.


  1. Dumping of garbage on the road and jhora is of course of grave concern......but have they worked out why this is happening.....its because the vehicles are not ppl have no option but to dump it at the jhoras. The CMO should ensure that vehicles which default have some stringent action taken against them. The pick up vehicles turn up only at the time of fee collection!!!It is easy to blame the janta for all ills ...but just starting on something and not seeing it to its proper end has no meaning!!! So buck up CMO!!!

  2. I disagree with the view that if a vehicle does not turn up then I have no option but to dump it into the nearest jhora. I also don't think that most of the waste in the jhoras is because of vehicles not turning up. It is this attitude that needs to change. You don't solve a problem by creating another. Unless we are conscientous enough to realise that waste management is as much our individual responsilbity as that of the Government, we cannot expect cleanliness to just happen. Jago Sikkim Jago!


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