
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Australian delegates applaud conservation efforts in Yuksam

Kartok lake at Yuksam
YUKSAM, 01 March: Sally Padey [Director, Mogo Zoo, Australia] and Hannelie Van Der Merwe, [Head Zoo Keeper, Mogo Zoo] on a two-day visit to Yuksam [26 and 27 February], interacted with officials of the Khangchendzonga National Park [KNP]. During their visit they were accompanied by Director, Himalayan Zoological Park, Bubulay, Gangtok, Urmila Thapa, DFO [KNP], Tshering Pintso Bhutia and members of the Khangchendzonga Conservation Committee.

The DFO (KNP) briefed them about the KNP, its activities and the working system adopted by the department and NGOs involved. An interaction was also organized in the evening between the delegates and members of KCC along with a research scholar from Wildlife Institute of India (WII) by the DFO. This was followed by a power presentation made by KCC members on the Zero Waste Project which was launched at Yuksam and on the Baseline information on Distribution of Carnivores, Ungulates and Galliformes in the western part of Kanchendzonga Biosphere Reserve, Sikkim by Tapajit Bhattacharya.
Hannelie Van der Merwe said, “It is not often that one has the pleasure of being in the company of such inspirational sincere and accomplished people – all working for this great cause of conservation.” She further added that as fellow caretakers of nature they have an understanding of the efforts needed to sustain what is left of our beautiful earth. “However, having a terrain and diversity as challenging as that of Yuksom, in fact whole of Sikkim, makes what we do in Australia seem like a walk in the park” she added.
Sally Padey further added that their visit to Yuksom was a most humbling and heart-warming experience along with a pledge to support the cause of conservation in whatever possible way.

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