
Monday, March 28, 2011

AJKS condemns Singtam accident, wonders why teacher and student associations remain silent

GANGTOK, 27 March: Anusuchujit Jati Kalyan Sangh, Namchi, has strongly condemned the Singtam accident in which a speeding truck crushed four girl students on 24 March, killing one of them [Kalpana Darnal] on-the-spot and injuring the three others, and has demanded strict action against the driver of the truck.
The AJKS has conveyed its condolences to the bereaved family, and in a press release issued jointly by its president, Gopal Mother, and coordinator, Binay Gazmer, also thanks the Singtam Police Station for its prompt action which led to the arrest of the accused driver before he could flee Singtam.
While also conveying its gratitude towards the Chief Minister for providing financial assistance to the affected families, the release also expresses “amazement” over the “silence” with which the All Sikkim Students Union and teachers associations have received news of the accident.

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